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I did not want this thread to die, but with my vacation and all, I haven't had any time to write or keep up with the going-ons here

I hope you can revive it before I go home again.


Okay. I see this thread died. On reflection - maybe it should.

I'm playing catch-up and will see if this can be revived.

We'll see...


Ron, try having, what is now 6, completely different stories floating in your head at once.

I have:
The Fine Line
An untitled story idea
A coauthored book with ZeroMerc
And this one Hot Dog.

I love challenging myself.


Hey! This is hard!

Reading the character list, holding their stories in your head, reading submissions to date, calculating the inane little plot - all the while trying to be creative and true to the genre and locale...

I wanna call "dibs" but I don't know what to write...

This is hard!


I can't wait!