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Forums - Community - Arrogance

21. 10 May 2009 04:59


Oh Thank God you were here to correct my spelling. That is so cogent to this idea...

22. 10 May 2009 05:01


You all have no idea how far I am prepared to go. I just don't care - not one tiny bit - - kick me off this site. I just don't care.

I am so easily hated now.

I know it.

But wy?

And I am not asking myself.

23. 10 May 2009 05:02


well.. you must be one of 'the elite' you mention - and I'm really not sure what you mean by the arrogance.. ?

I'm posting this now, just to check whether you're actually listening and willing to wait for an answer or whether you're just venting !

24. 10 May 2009 05:03


Just read what I am typing.

Oh yes. I'm a drunk.

But get past that. Read you fool. Read.

It's not random.

25. 10 May 2009 05:04


It's a site on the internet, Ron...why should I be taking it seriously?

I take a lot of things in my life seriously, but all this is just for entertainment...sorry if that bothers you, but I'm not going to change.

And I feel very fortunate that my happiness in life doesn't depend on internet forums.

And the reason I haven't responded to the original post is because you're very obviously looking for a response, and I have nothing to say on it. Because anything I'll say, you'll tear apart.

Let me ask you something...Why are you sitting there waiting to criticize anything I say, when I have never been anything but kind to you?

26. 10 May 2009 05:06



Thanks for checking. We need more checking. I mean - if it weren't for 'checking' someone might slip past. Thank God you were here to stop me. (Can anyone say sarcasm?)

27. 10 May 2009 05:08


buddy.. I can even spell it..

now.. can you please cut it ?

28. 10 May 2009 05:09


I think Ron needs a hug...

29. 10 May 2009 05:11


midnight: I don't actually know what to say. I mean, it's so obvious it's actually unclear.

You. And I mean "you" responded to my post.

I ask you why you bother and you accuse me of what? Being 'bothered' by your response.

But don't you see. You responded. You are the catalyst. I took an action. But the best response would've been to ignore me. But you did not.

So the next thing is offensive. And you become offensive. (Look up the actual meaning of these words before you respond. And all of you reading - look them up as well...)

30. 10 May 2009 05:13


I think Ron needs a clip around the ear.. and maybe a few hours slepp

31. 10 May 2009 05:14


OK, OK.. sleep..

32. 10 May 2009 05:14


I responded because I knew your reaction would be amusing.

Thanks for not disappointing me!

33. 10 May 2009 05:15


Marg and Midnight have decided what is best for me. Again - Thank God they were here. For who else knew?

But the central point has not been addressed - just diluted.

34. 10 May 2009 05:16


Arrogance by Ron

Definition of arrogance:
Overbearing pride evidenced by a superior manner toward inferiors

So we come to the question.

There are so many.

I haven’t actually counted.

But I think sixteen or so of you were involved.

Give or take a few.

As an aside. Let me say this.

I too am an asshat. I’m 43 years old. And It’s taken that long to understand this term; asshat.

But this isn’t about me or anyone else.

This is about you.

And this is about arrogance.


Sixteen out of 5,379 (as of this writing): .3 percent.

I am not sad.

I am wiser.

It’s not that .3 percent would think they could change things.

It’s that they never considered that they couldn’t.

And arrogance is to blame.

Because those 16 make up the elite of this site.

They assumed that their – what? Example. Would be followed? I don’t even comprehend the ideation.

But arrogance isn’t really the thing.

Foolishness is the thing.

It’s not ‘what’ we consider, in the final analysis; it’s what we ‘don’t’.

I will post an idea or an affirmation of an idea in this forum and all will follow. I’ll even translate it, and think – for a moment – that ‘that’ is relevant.

I will stroke my own ego; and these other 15 ‘important’ egos. And I will make it right.

But “we” are less than one percent of the population. And we think our ‘plan’ will prevail.

That!. That is arrogance - and continues to be so.

And I no longer care.

Because I have seen the shiny lights. And, in the end, they are just shiny.

35. 10 May 2009 05:17


Just to make it clear...I like ya, Ron. I think you're a good guy. I just really think you need a hug.

36. 10 May 2009 05:19


OK, OK.. sleep..

37. 10 May 2009 05:22


Why are you both posting here? Can you even say?

38. 10 May 2009 05:23


I think I've already said it...

for amusement purposes...

39. 10 May 2009 05:23


Neither of you are on point. Your answers are just dumb. So why? What is your motivation?

40. 10 May 2009 05:24


Midnight. Really? That makes me sadder than anything. It does.