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I have four things to say to this and then will as requested leave it be.

1) When trying to get a non-violent protest started it would really defeat the whole of it to put into the request for action that, “hey this could totally bomb and have no effect at all” or even, “I’ve considered this and have no clue if it will work but let’s try it anyway!”


2) A majority doesn’t have to be greater than 50%; a majority is the LARGEST NUMBER OF PEOPLE IN AGREEMENT. In the case of TD out of 5,000+ people no one could agree on anything but that there was something wrong. I heard no other suggestions being backed by anyone but the person suggesting them. If sixteen people were the largest number of people out of 5,000+ to agree on a single issue, they were, in fact, the majority.

This by the way is why our pants don’t fit; let me explain. The pants manufacturers want to sell as many pairs of pant as possible, of course they do. The trouble comes when looking at the population; very few bodies are the same. The solution? Make the cut that fits the LARGEST MAJORITY of the population (even if that “majority” is 5%) because the rest of us fit into groups of less than 5% we will never be able to by pants that fit.

3) As for arrogance, around the globe AMERICANS are thought to be arrogant. As this is a website that is, in fact, global, I personally thought we should share what was going on in popularly spoken languages, not to ask them to participate but to let them know that if they noticed a drop in votes that it was not in anyway a reflection of their work but due to the non-violent protest we were trying to start. I thought it would be ARROGANT to assume that these “inferiors” wouldn’t notice and possibly be upset by the change.

By the way, this is the message that I had translated into 6 of the most widely spoken languages; you tell me does it sound arrogant?

“Hello Everyone,

”Some of you may have noticed there has been a lack of voting lately; the reason is that after much consideration a majority of us (those of us who use the forum) have come to an agreement to stop voting on any work at all for a while.

”We are trying to send a message to the person who runs the Think Draw website that we want a new voting system, the one in place now is easily manipulated, and has been abused to the point it no longer works; it is broken.

”It has caused quite a bit of ill feelings toward the website and individual artists and some really talented and much loved artists on the site have even chosen to leave Think Draw because of this issue.

”If you have noticed a drop in your ratings please do not be discouraged, it’s not a commentary on your work but one on the system itself. We are still commenting as we all enjoy the feedback and encouragement those comments give us.

”We would like you to join us in not voting as well. If you want to comment but feel uncomfortable doing it in English please just submit a message with your login name only or alternately so many asterisks (*****), we will under stand this to mean you like our work.

”Thank you for your understanding and help.”

4) This is a fact: Alcoholics are as a group some of the most intelligent people on the planet, most have extremely high IQs and rank in the top 10-15% in their chosen field. It is believed, and I’ve seen this in my own family, that the reason a lot of Alcoholics start drinking is indeed escapism, a way to deal with the rest of the world.

My father, before he died, and my brother both have/had severe substance abuse problems, both were the smartest, and no I’m not biased, men I knew. They could do, build, comprehend, and design anything at all; neither finished high school and there was no vocational training, they just did it.

Toward the end my father couldn’t put two sticks together with a hammer, nails and duct tape; my brother is already showing a slowing of his thoughts and he stopped making any kind of sense a long time ago.

The worst part is YOU CANNOT WIN AN ARGUMENT WITH HIM; he only sees his view and that will likely never change. It is “a striving after the wind” to even try.


marg, I agree. We need to walk away.

If this won't go away, let's address Ron's original question. Let's address the concept of whether a few "arrogant" people can change anything. Our's is a tempest in a teapot and doesn't matter in the grand theme of things.But history is full of people with strong ego's (arrogance) that HAVE changed the world. Leaving out dieties, ( in no order) Mother Theresa, Leonardo diVinci, Martin Luther King, the Wright Brothers, Bill Gates, Mahatama Gandhi, John Lennon.

Feel free to add your own.

Let's hear it for arrogance....


Hello all~ I guess I am in on being one of the arrogant, if by 'arrogant' I thought I could bring about change. If that is part of being arrogant, then so be it, I am, though I don't think of myself as better than any of you. Far from it. What my goal was & is~ inclusion, enjoying each other for their worth. Just came from church~ a very insightful sermon on inclusion. That IS what I think church should be about, therefore it's what I am about. God loves all; I TRY to love all; but I am human, & let myself be the broken, imperfect thing that I am these last few days, trying to be a catalyst to try to correct a hurtful thing going on at TD. Yep Ron, I am the problem. I am also the solution. I live everyday, I make mistakes, get my feelings hurt, get over it, try to do the right thing, fail miserably, retreat, realize that's not the answer, well you get my point I hope. Thanks to ALL of you. God loves us ALL, right or wrong, arrogant or humble, drunk or sober or somewhere in between, none perfect in everything but some near it in some ways. Bless you all, God & I love ya, where ever you fall in this fray! ~lynn




now.. can we all please move along.. ?