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Forums - Community - How I've Cheated on TD

21. 29 Apr 2009 06:44


We all have different skill sets. We use what we know. I don't think that is cheating. You are absolved.

22. 29 Apr 2009 06:49


I think the cheat is in letting people believe you placed those pieces by hand for so long.

23. 29 Apr 2009 09:34


I'm with matthew on this... it becomes more a matter of how insanely long we're willing to sit still and "draw".

Actually, I just always figured Ron had a 42 inch monitor and/or was willing to count pixels (which, I have to admit, I have done.... tho not here... yet).

In effect, I was right -- he counted the pixels ahead of time, worked out their coordinates, and added in an extra step in making a mini-program of that mapping.

Sooooo, it WAS "by hand" AND by mind (the essence of ThinkDraw, after all).... and my strong suspicion is that he didn't save any time in doing so, either.


24. 29 Apr 2009 19:42


MugDots has me! It's the crux...

25. 29 Apr 2009 19:48


And Luna has caught me out on my other "cheat".

It wasn't even meant as such...

But MAN OH MAN have I cheated... WAY WAY beyond the use of computer code.

I cheated in the number of votes on my own work.

But my intent was pure - I swear.

I realized ThinkDraw doesn't require an e-mail verification like most sites when you create a new ID.

So you can hit "submit" when you're not logged in at TD prompts your for a username and a password and an e-mail address. You can provide any bogus ionformation you like and are immediately "in" and can vote on whatever.

I was using this "feature" of TD to rearrange my own "highest-rated" page but Luna picked up on it as a dramatic increase in my vote-count on "Organic".

So I've been found out.

But it wasn't done to affect the Gallery placement (although I now realize that was stupid of me).

I swear!

Would TD puh-lease allow us to present our work in the order we prefer?

And I'll drop a line to rachel to take "Organic" out of the running for "May Top 5"

26. 29 Apr 2009 19:57


I apologize to everyone for this... I HAVE sent an e-mail to TD opting out of consideration for Top-5 for May.

I added six votes to "Organic"... But my intent was just to rearrange stuff on my own page. Not to boost my ratings.

I was trying to get my favorite piece onto my first page (Skinny-Dippin') but even cheating I still failed.

Drats! I'm an ass!

27. 29 Apr 2009 19:58


I meant "most ratings" duh!

28. 29 Apr 2009 20:04


Nah.. I reckon 'Organic' will still be up there, even after you discount the 6 extra votes - it's just such a beaut picture

29. 29 Apr 2009 22:20


I don't think using a computer is cheating. Artists use the tools available to them. Cavemen used ash and natural pigments. Does it mean that the artists who use paints made commercially are cheating because they didn't make the paint themselves?

You made a time-consuming job shorter by use of your coding knowledge and managed to make a creative statement while doing it. That's not cheating; that's brilliant.

There's a bottle of Jewel of Russia Ultra in my house that awaits your presence.

30. 30 Apr 2009 06:12


Ron, Organic still deserves top 5. I REALLY wish you hadn't explained how you messed with the votes though. That's a real Pandora's box!

31. 30 Apr 2009 12:25


Ron I might just go look into this program to see if it will save drafts.....

so if it was created in TD once and then replayed when lost..would that be cheating :p

And I have voted down my pieces before to rearrange my own work (It worked for a bit then it didn't work so I went and changed my votes to the original one at some point)

32. 30 Apr 2009 14:57


pfffff... lol. yeah, I thought about voting DOWN my own pieces just to keep 'em from being a target for the OVB.

Dunno if I'm deeply philosophical or just pure lazy (not to mention, um, stubborn)... wound up opting to do nothing but accept the reality of a wide open Old West.

Ron --sometimes the kindest thing is just to let be. Kindness is a moral choice tho, and personal.


33. 30 Apr 2009 18:42


Qsilv... Will YOU marry me? I've proposed to Marg as well. This could be awkward... Or... Not... Hmmm...

34. 30 Jan 2011 13:35


LOL! What about me ... didn't I divorce our Jack on the strength of your proposal?

35. 30 Jan 2011 14:53


Duh, and lol.