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Duh, and lol.


LOL! What about me ... didn't I divorce our Jack on the strength of your proposal?


Qsilv... Will YOU marry me? I've proposed to Marg as well. This could be awkward... Or... Not... Hmmm...


pfffff... lol. yeah, I thought about voting DOWN my own pieces just to keep 'em from being a target for the OVB.

Dunno if I'm deeply philosophical or just pure lazy (not to mention, um, stubborn)... wound up opting to do nothing but accept the reality of a wide open Old West.

Ron --sometimes the kindest thing is just to let be. Kindness is a moral choice tho, and personal.



Ron I might just go look into this program to see if it will save drafts.....

so if it was created in TD once and then replayed when lost..would that be cheating :p

And I have voted down my pieces before to rearrange my own work (It worked for a bit then it didn't work so I went and changed my votes to the original one at some point)