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Forums - Think Draw Feedback - I have a theory

121. 23 Dec 2009 14:59


THAT is one of the wiser things I've heard said around here. ; >

Q's theory, remember, is that this is a charming garden party put on by a generous hostess. How we behave in someone's garden, toward the other guests and toward the garden itself, shows some of the deepest truths about us.

122. 23 Dec 2009 15:16


Am I behaving well?
I like to be in Rachel's garden. It's fun.

123. 23 Dec 2009 15:24


polenta, you are the very soul of graciousness. We love having you at Rachel's garden party! Hopefully the rest of us will keep up with your good example.

124. 23 Dec 2009 17:21


I'll second that ...

125. 23 Dec 2009 18:06


I believe Login and Dragon would agree with me that Polenta is a truly class act.

126. 23 Dec 2009 19:06


Think sheftali "thirded" that, so I'm "fourthing" it. And, sorry Polenta if this doesn't make sense. Translation: four votes that you're a class act! : )

127. 23 Dec 2009 23:59


... and the term "class act" means we have a lot of respect for your honesty and dignity.

128. 24 Dec 2009 05:08


Oh, my God I was only trying to be funny. Thanks anyway.
I wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy new year.

Don't forget to come back in 2010!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

129. 30 Dec 2009 05:48


Well due to the silence this past week, I am lead to believe that Maddy (and company) have become Think Draws 1st banned members... RIP...

And to those that thought I was all of those characters...


One day I may be free from all my false accusations... Unfortunately, that will probably be the day I stand before my lord to answer for my true sins...

...Dang... that puts a damper on my vindication...

130. 30 Dec 2009 06:34


but what if your true sins are worse than the false accusations?

131. 30 Dec 2009 07:04


I can assure you that they are... I have been far from a saint in my life...

... I hope that my failures are few in the coming year...

132. 30 Dec 2009 07:29


Don't worry Matthew, they say all saints have a past and all sinners have a future . I hope all TD-ers will have a wonderful 2010.

133. 30 Dec 2009 07:40


Shanley, I have never heard that before... I ♥ it...

134. 30 Dec 2009 08:24


I never heard that before either, and I thought I'd heard everything

135. 30 Dec 2009 09:03


It was hard not to notice the lack of annoyances lately, and what a nice change it's been. I had a thought that Rachel may have stepped in to ban the recently deceased. (I also wondered if it might have to do with marius letting us know she'd contacted the authorities about someone who lurks around pretending to be a little girl on a website that lots of kids frequent- thought the fear of prosecution might have driven her away- though I find a ban much more likely and hope it's permanent)

136. 30 Dec 2009 09:37


“Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future.” Oscar Wilde (of course he also said, "Always forgive your enemies -- nothing annoys them quite as much") ;>

137. 30 Dec 2009 09:46


oh yes! O.W. was indeed one witty man.
On the other side, I'd wish somebody could officially confirm if Maddy was indeed banned from this side. Maybe that way, I'll give it another try with Guesstheartistgame, although as we all know, no one can gurantee future pics won't be deleted.

138. 30 Dec 2009 10:21


Baldur has been behaving very cautiously with members who have joined ThinkDraw since Christmas week, watching for traces of attention seekers.

139. 30 Dec 2009 13:11


Wise advice Baldur, I was doing the same myself though I find it distasteful that we have to question new arrivals instead of greeting them warmly like in the past. One thing that's hopeful is that maddyjean seemed completely incapable of staying out of the forums and filling them with mindless inanities no matter how much she was trying to convince us that she was someone totally new. I haven't seen anyone particularly new in the forums and no one has been saying "Ok, I don't care about that" or "I'm officially bored" or "What are you guys talking about, please explain it all over again 'cause I don't feel like reading back"

140. 2 Jan 2010 13:16


Look, you guys, I give up. I don't like having to be on Think Draw only to suffer what you're putting me through. I am indeed ten, but imagination can't be kept in a corral. Taters, this is from a different forum, but you know it made me tear up when you thought I was killing somebody? I didn't mean to be an attention pest, so I'll leave, if you really think I should. Go right on ahead and greet warmly, Dragon. Even if I was some one new, would you really just risk it so no one thinks you don't care. I know you're kind. I'm truly sorry, I hope you guys can drop subject 'maddyjean08- recently deceased' and move on with your lives. I realize how many people I've hurt, and for that I'm sorry. If you don't believe I'm truly sorry, please speak up. I will check in from time to time, but I won't be on here so much anymore, I think it's better this way. I don't want to worry your artist, that goes to all of you.

Farewell, my 'ghost' can't stay for long. If you hear my whispers in the wind, feel free to ignore.