Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - comments and votes

1. 29 Mar 2010 06:58


With all due respect to the two TDers involved. I'm sending this wonderful pic where there is a comment by another very appreciated TDer about comments and votes.
The question is interesting. Should we vote and comment only those who do it for us? Or should we vote whoever we feel is worth voting for? It would be interesting to know people's feelings and opinions.

I personally vote and comment spontaneously and I have also chosen not to follow anybody so that I MUST see the gallery with ALL the new pics.

2. 29 Mar 2010 06:58


3. 29 Mar 2010 08:01


my comments and votes have nothing to do with who votes for me. For one I don't have the time to go searching to try to find out who voted or didn't vote for me before I decide whether I do or don't vote on a picture, plus it seems childish to me. I comment according to time....if I have a lot of time, I leave more comments, if I'm in a rush I may not leave a comment. Votes I give whenever I like a picture a lot and find it should have a 5 vote.

That brings us back to the voting process....the 1-4 are kind of wasted, I think.
In MY humble opinion the voting doesn't work right should be a running tally where you can give 1 to 5 points (sort of like 1- credit for effort, 2- nice 3- very nice 4- love it 5 outstanding!). That way you could encourage even beginners by giving votes (as of right now if I can't justify a 5 a won't vote at all because I feel a 4 vote is worse than a no vote) and everyone would be much more at ease voting on EVERY picture they see. And everyone would be more encouraged by seeing the amount of votes they got and that people ARE looking at their work.
I'm not entirely sure if I'm explaining my idea right, sort of like the points given in "the perfect dinner"...
I'd love to be able to vote on ANY picture I look at without bringing it down with anything other than a 5.

On the other hand (not knowing what's happened, I'll have to go search), if anyone GETS a lot of votes continuously, but never gives out any...that doesn't seem quite fair.
I got so many votes on my peacock, and so many wonderful comments, that I made sure I spent some extra time going around, giving votes and leaving comments, too...I think (in this case) you shall sow as you reap

4. 29 Mar 2010 08:41



5. 29 Mar 2010 13:24


I know just what you mean, Lilalee. An truly hope not to see this again...Artdillon's work is truly amazing and regardless of his/her attitude towards other pics in gallery he/she deserves respect as any TDer. There are some really talented persons (and Artillon perfectly fits this category) on this site that should be thanked just for sharing their work here on TD. In any other 'non-Internet' world you'd have to pay for visiting these kind of galleries!! (well...that would imply a perfect society that would actually value artists..)
So no...I don't think we should keep track. But every now and then you see a new comer with potential that stops drawing because of this kind of comments...Nobody can make you support a pic that doesn't say much to you, but you should really think twice about the impact your words have. Sometimes the difference between potential artist and artists are made by the support 'public' offers.

6. 29 Mar 2010 13:51


I think (hope) this comment may have been intended as tongue and cheek (tone does not always read well in written comments). At any rate, it's between them.

I don't think you can begrudge people who don't leave comments or people who feel hurt occasionally if they don't receive reciprocal encouragement. People have different expectations.

I leave comments on pics that strike me for whatever reason. I don't expect reciprocity, and would lack the attention span to keep track if i did. Still, if I have time, I make an effort to look at the profile and through pictures of someone who comments on my work since they were kind enough to note they looked at my pictures.

7. 29 Mar 2010 14:34


I feel I'm so sportaneous or maybe TOO spontaneous. I see a pic, like something in it, give it a 5 and if it really impresses me, give it a favorite if I still have one. I've found out that if I had the patience, which I don't, I could see the profile and be fairer, especially when they are kids. Can you believe krystenkuhn is only 9?
Here is a picture of hers.

8. 20 Jun 2010 10:35


I was a little freaked out by one young lady, who left a comment to make sure I looked at her animated picture, I had never spoken to this person before but had a look at her insistence. It turned out that the picture animation when played was what appeared to be a suicide note, I was shocked taken aback and left a comment saying that I didn't find this funny. Next thing I was left a comment of attack (capitalized for effect) saying how she did not appreciate me thinking it was a joke how hard working and not to take depression lightly. She did not read the comment correctly because I never said that it was a joke, I said I didn't find her statement funny IF it was a joke. What is going on, things are getting surreal, if that girl is feeling so bad that she needs to do such things...she needs help! I wish that I had never been involved.

9. 20 Jun 2010 12:21


I think it's all cleared now, it was just a mistake; something it's not easy to understand the emotional colour of a message.
The young lady feels better, her pics was not noticed before, but it's just 12 and her animations are nice, I posted about her in surf saver and yesterday she drawed again and she was better.
Don't mind Steve!

10. 22 Jun 2010 19:12


My votes these days are mostly anoymous, with rare comment... I do this now for my own reasons... If you are out to vote & comment only for those that return the favor, you are seeing your own comments as a "bribe", a "tit for tat" ...

If one of my pics touches you & you never say so... I still touched you... I never need to know... The only thing that counts is... Did it touch me...

11. 23 Jun 2010 02:47


"anonymous voting ":) for what.

12. 23 Jun 2010 10:53


when I vote, it is a 5... I don't want "rebound" or "thank you" votes... I want to know that if you vote for me, it is because you like my pic & only because you like my pic... as for other reasons, they are my own...

13. 23 Jun 2010 19:58


I am always so sorry to see hurtful comments and dissension amongst fellow TD'ers. Perhaps there could be a better way of making this a more enjoyable experience for everyone. I am personally not comfortable with having a voting system or Top 5 recognition simply because there are too many really good artists to narrow it down to 5 every month.
I value the people behind the drawings so much more than their votes and have really stopped noticing whether or not someone votes on my pic. I do enjoy the contact we make through the comments but I don't always have the time to leave a comment on all the pics I would like too....hubby already thinks I spend too much tome on here.

14. 27 Jun 2010 08:23


I vote on what i like. If it's extraordinary i use a 5; sometimes i use a 4. I don't understand why we even have the 1's 2's and 3's. If anyone uses them, the artist gets insulted. I think with the increasing talents of the artists, it would be nice to be able to use ALL the numbers, so that even getting a 1 would be a nice acknowledgment.

As for basing votes on who else votes, that's ridiculous. I notice the comments that are made, and it makes me think nice things about those people, but not everyone is here to vote. And reviewing every single picture takes time. I know when i was overwhelmed with "real life", i had to very much limit my time on the computer. I took time to vote, but not comment. And i didn't draw at all. That was my choice based on my values. But there are times when drawing time is prioritzed over voting time.

15. 1 Jul 2010 14:55


First-timer (got here from my sudoku site out of curiosity)...took almost 10 mins for my first effort, which paled in comparison to others, but it was fun! So much talent out there and no room for negatives.

16. 19 Jul 2010 19:55


Yesterday and today Ive noticed that if I vote, then submit a comment, the vote/rate option comes back on and allows me to vote again. I first thought that I must not have voted yet, forgetful. But as I started paying more attention, I realized I had voted and the option was again open to me. Has it always been like this or is this a new problem....or are we allowed to vote as many times as we want???

17. 19 Jul 2010 23:26


I think that if you've already voted on a pic the black dot will remain next to the 1-5 letting you know that you have already rated the pic.

18. 20 Jul 2010 00:00


The option is there, but if you try to vote again the number of votes doesn't change.

19. 20 Jul 2010 00:23


the option remains open bc you can change the rate of your vote, but the number of voting do not change (you can't put 2 votes on the same pic).

20. 20 Jul 2010 06:50


I am sorry to say that I pretty much circled around the ones I followed, mainly because I'd check on my updates and go from there, then the gallery, I did realize that I was missing out on a lot of good stuff. My horizons are broadened. I should elaborate that my votes were not limited to this circle. but truthfully probably the majority