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I am sorry to say that I pretty much circled around the ones I followed, mainly because I'd check on my updates and go from there, then the gallery, I did realize that I was missing out on a lot of good stuff. My horizons are broadened. I should elaborate that my votes were not limited to this circle. but truthfully probably the majority


the option remains open bc you can change the rate of your vote, but the number of voting do not change (you can't put 2 votes on the same pic).


The option is there, but if you try to vote again the number of votes doesn't change.


I think that if you've already voted on a pic the black dot will remain next to the 1-5 letting you know that you have already rated the pic.


Yesterday and today Ive noticed that if I vote, then submit a comment, the vote/rate option comes back on and allows me to vote again. I first thought that I must not have voted yet, forgetful. But as I started paying more attention, I realized I had voted and the option was again open to me. Has it always been like this or is this a new problem....or are we allowed to vote as many times as we want???