Think Draw Forums
Forums - Think Draw Feedback - Happy New Year, Rachel !

1. 31 Dec 2009 08:42


Dear Rachel, Mike, Gideon, et al..

I just wanted to say thank you for the 'garden party' (as Qsilv gracefully calls it) and to wish you a really happy New Year.

Thanks for Think Draw !

2. 31 Dec 2009 10:31


I'll ditto that. One of the things I really like about the drawing pieces is the shading on them. Also like that folks have their own galleries. Love the showcases, and of course the threads. Love the space for comments under pictures. Love the challenges too ... even when I don't participate by drawing, still enjoy them.

Happy New Year and thanks for ThinkDraw!

3. 31 Dec 2009 11:01


A very Happy New Year from me as well.

And thank you so much for the gift you've given us of this site. I never knew I could enjoy a website so much and I certainly enjoy the wonderful sense of community around here.

4. 31 Dec 2009 11:55


...and from me. This project of yours has brought huge doses of peacefulness, empathy, inspiration, hope and humor... I so hope it brings you the same!

5. 31 Dec 2009 12:55


Ditto for what has already been said. I love this place and thank you thank you for setting it up and running this site.

Happy and healthy New Year!

6. 31 Dec 2009 14:48


Best wishes for this new year from me too. TD has quickly become one of my favorites sites, i would've never imagined spending so much time on drawing before. The opportunity of watching other people's talent and effort, made me want to improve my skills. I think TD is a great chance of exchanging opinions and getting feedback on our work, not to mention on admiring some really gifted artists. Happy 2010, ThinkDraw!

7. 1 Jan 2010 04:53


The best wishes for you Rachel, all the site creators,all the dear friends of this wonderful site, which gave us so much..made me feel part of a very talented sweet family, where we exchange beauty and encouragement, where we can express what is inside and give it to others in the way we learn every time we draw..Could 2010 bring us more joy and friendship!!!

8. 1 Jan 2010 05:11


I want to echo all the sentiments above. I truely love this site and I am amazed daily at the talent shown in the wonderful pictures created here. Thanks again. Happy New Year!!

9. 1 Jan 2010 08:02


a very happy,healthy and peaceful new year to all the thinkdraw community

10. 1 Jan 2010 09:31


Ditto all the above, but I'm a little late, though.

11. 1 Jan 2010 12:44


Thank you all at TD for the sheer joy this site has given, the ability to learn from others thousands of miles away, the gift of being able to improve our drawing skills, the humour and our being able to play here whenever the mood takes us.

12. 2 Jan 2010 13:27


Happy New Year!

13. 2 Jan 2010 13:55


Mutual feeling!!!! Bonne annee!

14. 3 Jan 2010 09:04


Happy New Year!!!!!!

15. 4 Jan 2010 02:14


Happy new year to Think Draw for letting us be the community we are.

16. 4 Jan 2010 05:03


I take that back, we're a crummy community ever since everything started to go wrong.

17. 4 Jan 2010 05:04


But again, happy new year!!! I know everyone on TD is great, we'll probably be able to fix Think Draw up until it's the best it can be, right guys?

18. 4 Jan 2010 05:38


polenta, this is not a crummy community. It's a great community with a few crummy people.
Even my little town of Primrose, Rhode Island as beautiful as it is, still has a few jerks living in it. It comes with being a vibrant society.

19. 4 Jan 2010 05:51


Sorry, someone is using my name to send messages to these threads. Please don't pay attention to what could be said. I guess it's like a hacker.

20. 4 Jan 2010 05:59


whoa.. I was a bit stunned there for a moment.. but I've just sent this feedback to Rachel, and will follow up with an email..

Rachel.. can you please check out polenta's user.. seems like it's been hacked..