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Dragon, I think your underwear must be very nice.... and thanks for what you said!!!!!


I'm glad you got things worked out polenta, I think I would feel a little violated if someone I didn't know was using my account. A bit like coming home and finding out someone had been poking through my underwear drawer.


thanks marg. I don´t want my account to belong to anyone but me. I´ve got it back. It´is like winning the lottery.
To the hacker, whoever you are..... after all thank you because you taught me a lesson.... and who knows.... maybe you can teach me more things.
Polentas is also a new account of mine. I don´t know if I´m ever going to use it.
Thanks and good luck to all.


whoa.. I was a bit stunned there for a moment.. but I've just sent this feedback to Rachel, and will follow up with an email..

Rachel.. can you please check out polenta's user.. seems like it's been hacked..


Sorry, someone is using my name to send messages to these threads. Please don't pay attention to what could be said. I guess it's like a hacker.