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Forums - Think Draw Feedback - report abuse

1. 23 Dec 2009 06:59


Sorry for this folks, but marius is a former school teacher and all reports of abuse, no matter how unreliable the source, must be taken seriously. Therefore, I would like folks to know that the following abuse has been reported to ThinkDraw.

On November 25, 2009, in Channel Baldur, post #4337, maddyjean wrote: "ooh, so perfect! My Thanksgiving won't be as perfect, not if I have to protect my toddler brother from my dad...."

On December 22, 2009, in Channel Baldur, post #5140, maddyjean wrote: "... EVERY WEEKEND I HAVE TO WATCH MY 2-YEAR-OLD BROTHER GET ABUSED! ..."

The National Child Abuse Hotline cannot process these kinds of on-line reports of abuse and will refer the report to a police department. This was done.

2. 23 Dec 2009 07:01


maddyjean, this is for you:

I do not believe you are ten years old. However, on the bizarre chance that you are, the appropriate places to report abuse are: National Child Abuse Hotline 1-800-422-4453, a trusted adult, a teacher, a minister, the police, your local domestic services agency (such as a women's shelter) or a therapist.

And speaking of abuse ... yelling, screaming or otherwise having fits online is abusive behavior and is not acceptable at any time, for any reason.

I am asking TD to delete your account and access to TD if you mention abuse in your home one more time. This is not the place to handle such difficulties, real or fake. Should others be in agreement with any of this, please contact Rachel.

3. 23 Dec 2009 07:05


PS And, if any of you are needing a lift now (I know I am) check out Baldur's Channel, the recipe thread, the gallery, Login's collection of things with wheels, or any of the other great places to visit on TD. And, smile!

4. 23 Dec 2009 07:24


Marius, I don't get what you're trying to do. Just, please, MYOB!

5. 23 Dec 2009 07:51


Thanks Marius, am feeling the lift, and hope maddy takes your advice, and others. It's all getting very old, and not even humorous!! Maddy, you need to stick with people your own age, and learn how to socialize with people your own age. Thats just the way it is. I don't want to hang around children for my social time., and they sure don't want me around. Growing up, my dad always said, you tell one lie, then have to tell another to cover up the first, and so on. Well it has caught up with you. NO ONE believes a word you say. You are taught in school to report abuse, you know what it is, so IF there is abuse in your house, then do the right thing. If not then zip it!

6. 23 Dec 2009 08:57


Well said by both marius and lilalee!

7. 23 Dec 2009 09:11


I agree, keep problems to yourself, no one likes to be brought down by them.

8. 23 Dec 2009 09:14


You what really concerns me is the thought of an adult pretending to be a little girl on a site frequented by children. I just can't think of any good reason why someone would do that.

9. 23 Dec 2009 09:14


+know = You know what...

10. 23 Dec 2009 09:18


Some people on the Internet probably do whatever they want because they think that no one can do anything to them. That's wrong. Do people moniter this site?

11. 23 Dec 2009 09:30


Thank you marius, I did write to Rachel myself on November 25th when that first mention of abuse was brought up.
I do not think she can monitor everything on this site.
Maddyjean has brought it up and then denied it, only to bring it up again.
If indeed she lives in Geremany they have resources to deal with it there.
She has internet access, apparently unrestricted access too.
She needs to go to the authorities.
We can't do much to help

Thank you for posting this

12. 23 Dec 2009 09:33


Geremany-e eutschland

13. 23 Dec 2009 09:35


I agree, this topic gives me something to talk about. I'm not very social.

14. 23 Dec 2009 10:04


I have a question. How do you start a forum? I think it'd be fun to fill people in about my day and what's happening in my life.

15. 23 Dec 2009 11:43


Maddy, you intentionally made it our business.

16. 23 Dec 2009 12:10


Intentionally? That's means 'on purpose', right? Sorry, if I make some mistakes in typing, I'm wearing gloves.

17. 23 Dec 2009 12:49


And we are wearing stupid I suppose...

18. 23 Dec 2009 14:26


Maddy if you want marius to mind her own buisness then dont put your buisness out there. Im not quite sure what to make of you. Because of you and all the drama, not knowing what you might pop up with I have not allowed Ash in the kid forums. If you are a child then I feel some concern for you, but if you are an adult I feel concern for others. At any rate you are someone that needs to seek counselling. With all that I have seen of you on-line I hate to think how you act in every day life.

19. 23 Dec 2009 15:16


Belladonnis, I had not thought of the concern you mentioned. Thanks for sharing it.

Did not think it necessary to add this before, but considering what you've written I would like to add that the detective read maddyjean's comments on-line and the first thing he said was that the comments were not written by a child. He is looking into the matter. If there are other related problems (dangers of adults posing as children), I gathered that will be looked into also.

20. 23 Dec 2009 16:03


marius this I can say from experience, not my own but from a friend that is dealing with a truly horrible situation, that some adults will take on childlike tendencies, pose as children and involve themselves in childrens activities for an evil purpose. Those individuals should be reported,investigated and delt with. I think what you did was needed and I am happy you did so.