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Forums - Think Draw Feedback - Problem saving the draft

1. 26 Nov 2009 14:27


I saved a gothic draft and couldn't find it there ...the load button was on 'save ' option as if nothing had been saved. happened twice already and it was a draft containing so much work...
Did anybody else have this problem?

2. 26 Nov 2009 15:43


I've just lost four hours work ... wouldn't finish reloading and couldn't save draft, again. It was Mona Lisa ... I'd been wondering what she was smirking about! Seriously, I'm devastated! You have my sympathy, Shanley.

3. 27 Nov 2009 04:53


My sympathy to both of you. What could be done?

4. 27 Nov 2009 04:58


I think I probably overloaded the drawing with pixels. I had done the background in detail ... a mistake ... should have just concentrated on the face because I was very pleased with it.

There were warning signs and I didn't heed them. The frame started flickering. It took me about four hours and was done in stages throughout the day ... whenever I reloaded, it didn't reload pixels in the order that I'd placed them there.

5. 27 Nov 2009 06:31


I find that, too.. always made me think that if you try and see how someone else has done a pic, you will never be able to see the real sequence..

.. but Shanley and Login - my heart goes out to you.. this is where I normally just switch off (or wander off) in utter frustration and the loss of the 'best' pic I've ever done !

6. 27 Nov 2009 07:33


I'm part of the club too. I was trying to make a SUPER ANIMATION, worked on it for two days and when I went back for the third day of work on it, poof, it was gone. Rachel should be able to do something about this I would think. Rachel???

7. 27 Nov 2009 17:08


Well, I am sorry to hear I wasn't the only one who's lost drafts. I suppose the good thing is that the other TD-ers who see this, will be wise enough not to start their drawings unless they have time to finish them. At least until this problem is solved by TD. Best wishes to all and keep up the good work!

8. 29 Nov 2009 08:40


On another topic: I am concerned about children on this site who give complete information about their locations. When I notice, I put a comment on the picture asking them to edit their info. Most recent one joined just a day or so ago.
Can Rachel help with this?

9. 29 Nov 2009 08:43


Darn, that's the wrong picture. Person goes by 2e1hmi69he.

10. 29 Nov 2009 10:20


It's a difficult situation for TD to even begin to take on the responsibility of censoring, age verification etc... on a personal level Rachel may, but the legal twist of formalizing it is messy.

I've added a vote and a note to that user. Tempting to write to the parents at a given physical address such as that, but there's another can of worms... welcome to reality in an enormous, virtually connected world.

: /

11. 29 Nov 2009 11:49


You're right of course. Could even be law enforcement trolling the ethers - though I seriously doubt it. It's a shame to have to take the shine off that innocence too.

12. 29 Nov 2009 12:51


Well spotted, Normal. Three of us have now sent messages to her ... we can only hope she takes the advice.