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Well spotted, Normal. Three of us have now sent messages to her ... we can only hope she takes the advice.


You're right of course. Could even be law enforcement trolling the ethers - though I seriously doubt it. It's a shame to have to take the shine off that innocence too.


It's a difficult situation for TD to even begin to take on the responsibility of censoring, age verification etc... on a personal level Rachel may, but the legal twist of formalizing it is messy.

I've added a vote and a note to that user. Tempting to write to the parents at a given physical address such as that, but there's another can of worms... welcome to reality in an enormous, virtually connected world.

: /


Darn, that's the wrong picture. Person goes by 2e1hmi69he.


On another topic: I am concerned about children on this site who give complete information about their locations. When I notice, I put a comment on the picture asking them to edit their info. Most recent one joined just a day or so ago.
Can Rachel help with this?