Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - Think Draw Feedback

1. 24 Aug 2009 06:17


Hi y'all..

I've been thinking about this for a few months, and was wondering what everyone else thinks.

Of the three forum areas we've been given, it always seemed to me that the Think Draw Feedback area was the 'serious' one - it's the one we REALLY want Rachel to read and consider, and I always thought it deserved a bit of respect.

Fortunately, this site is full of good humour, silly comments, funny songs, etc., but couldn't we restrict those to our other playground areas (the 'Community' and 'General Discussion' forums - and comments on pictures, of course), rather than reducing EVERY thread on the site to the same level ?

Guess I'm saying - do we need to 'tag' everything with a witticism ?

2. 24 Aug 2009 06:41


I agree Marg. I always wondered how the 'powers that be' feel when they read thru a thread that degnerates. If I were running the site I guess I would stop paying much attention when that happens. That seems to be why a new thread opens for the same concerns previously addressed, rather than posting to an old thread that has diverged from the main concern. I am not sure we really want to trivialize or lose attention to seriously addressed concerns whether we agree with them or not.
I too really appreciate the humor and comraderie of the site, but it would be good to utilize the other forums for matters that do not involve the site administrators just to maintain organization. You can always open another thread in an more appropriate forum, just as you have done here. Thank you for bringing this up. I have thought about it as well

3. 24 Aug 2009 06:50


Just like you, I think the more serious matters deserve more serious comments. But, I'm not the smartest person on Think Draw. All of the real big words on the serious forums give me a headache. Then, I read the witty comments and... BOOM! Headache gone!

4. 24 Aug 2009 07:34


LOL, maddyjean ! ..know exactly what you mean - so I tried to keep my comment short... but I guess it over-extended unintentionally.

[oh no.. cue for a thong joke..]

5. 24 Aug 2009 08:02


Hi Marg, you make a good point. My spouse is "mr. funny guy" and when I am wanting to be serious I can feel impatient with his witty banter. It's easy to let him know and he respects my needs. But how to apply that situation here?

I wonder if folks get confused about what topic they are in? When I was reading Polenta's comments about the use of the words "up" and "off" - I got it in my head that I was in HER topic about different cultures. So, I wrote about uses of the word "off" because I was truly fascinated about that.

Later I checked Polenta's topic to see if anyone else had come up with odd ways we use the word "off" and the conversation was not there! Took me quite a while to find it and that was a surprise - I had written in your "Request Top 5!" That really bothered me but then, I truly have some "information processing" difficulties so it didn't surprise me that I'd done that.

Anyway, I will try very hard to stick to the topic when I'm in TD Feedback. : )

PS - What are threads? There are three sections in the forums - are these the threads or topics? Or are threads the individual "topics" people start in the three forum sections? This has bothered me a long time and I'd like to know. And see... here I am going off topic again.

6. 24 Aug 2009 08:02


Marg, I hope not!! I agree with you, as I have read all the forums from beginning to present. What starts as a serious comment or question turns into senseless humor, distracting from the origional subject.
There are so many threads gone by the wayside, and have noticed important questions asked, are repeated by new members, again and again.
Some areas in the forum should be for the problems, and Rachael's easy acess, not only for her, but members questions.

7. 24 Aug 2009 08:12


Marius- threads are the conversations- there are 3 Forums, and each forum has a number of threads in it, i hope that makes sense... each of Mugdot's challenges are threads, Each of the Thinkwrites..... Channel Baldur...etc.

8. 24 Aug 2009 08:18


Thank you Arw65! What relief I feel to know! (BIG SMILE)

9. 24 Aug 2009 15:07


Ulp! I'm guilty and red faced ... sorry.

10. 25 Aug 2009 06:58


Hah, Login
.. so you're the person that ate the last of Qsilv's chocolates, drank the last of the summer wine (4 bottles ??!?), set fire to the bishop's hat and .. (I have good reason to believe) .. turned the garden hose on me when I was quietly singing a little ditty on my way home from the pub last night !

.. I wonder what else you're guilty of ??

11. 25 Aug 2009 07:02


Seriously, though..

I'm as guilty as the next, but henceforth, as the White Toad would have said (and what a brilliant first ThinkWrite that was !) ..

.. henceforth, I vow to try and keep any comments I make in the 'Think Draw Feedback' forum pertinent to what the the original question/suggestion/comment was !

12. 25 Aug 2009 16:37


I will join you in your resolve, marg (must remember ... MUST remember).