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I will join you in your resolve, marg (must remember ... MUST remember).


Seriously, though..

I'm as guilty as the next, but henceforth, as the White Toad would have said (and what a brilliant first ThinkWrite that was !) ..

.. henceforth, I vow to try and keep any comments I make in the 'Think Draw Feedback' forum pertinent to what the the original question/suggestion/comment was !


Hah, Login
.. so you're the person that ate the last of Qsilv's chocolates, drank the last of the summer wine (4 bottles ??!?), set fire to the bishop's hat and .. (I have good reason to believe) .. turned the garden hose on me when I was quietly singing a little ditty on my way home from the pub last night !

.. I wonder what else you're guilty of ??


Ulp! I'm guilty and red faced ... sorry.


Thank you Arw65! What relief I feel to know! (BIG SMILE)