Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - ThinkWrite XVII

1. 19 Aug 2009 07:41


Alright. I've tried to compile a list in keeping with the fun themes we've had lately. I hope this will not be too challenging (just challenging enough). I'm hoping we get some more new writers in here, so everyone remember, some of the stuff that's been most well received has been written by folks who don't consider themselves writers.

The word count is a very strict 155 words and I will give you unitl sometime in the evening (TD time) on Wed Aug 26.
Here's your words:


Have Fun!

2. 19 Aug 2009 09:36


Dreams Fade

A light breeze shook the flakes of dandruff in her frosted hair. Walking the loop trail that led to her cabin, biting into the crispy fruit as she ambled along, dreams of life with the Captain began to form in her mind. Visions of the family they would make danced in her head as the crunch of gravel sounded under her feet. So what if the diamond he had presented her was no larger than a grain of rice! Only their love mattered! She envisioned a string of lovely children, graced with his beautiful gray eyes, sitting at table waiting for their porridge and cup of cocoa. He would sweep through the door upon his return, and kiss them all passionately! Yes, it would be a glorious life, the wife of a ships captain. Inside the cabin, still smiling at the vision, she sees the telegram. "Captain dead after bitten by puff adder." Smile fades.

3. 19 Aug 2009 10:14


By Doug

Flakey doesn’t begin to describe my fruit of the loom friends. Lets see. There’s Captain Crispy who’s been “toasted” since third grade.

Cocoa Connie grew up in a rice field. She thinks everyone should wear hip waders and be able to snag a fish with two fingers. Her hair is so badly frosted she looks like a bride with wedding cake smashed in her face.

Crunch Coltrain takes the cake. He once was so liquored up he stepped in the middle of the highway and flashed anyone who drove a red Pinto. That didn’t work out too well.

Louis Loop was probably the only one who made anything of himself. He’s a surgeon. His idea of a joke is to ask the patient “will that be one loop or two”?

I may be getting older, but I can still puff my chest out and be proud to say I’m still a hippie.

4. 19 Aug 2009 19:12


Hot Cocoa and Rice Pudding

The Captain stood on the deck of his ship, every breath a white cottony puff that lingered around his face. A coldness that he has never known starts to grow in his bones like a seed bearing bitter fruit. He raises the spy glass to his eye and his body shudders.

A sight the mind cannot comprehend. The expance of glaring white is endless. A blank page waiting for pen and ink. The crunch of breaking ice grows louder with each chug of the ships engine. A lonely sound that echos in the stark white landscape.

The Loop, he thinks, how did we miss the Loop. His thoughts shift to hot cocoa and rice pudding enjoyed in front of a roaring fire. The smiling faces of his children fading. Fading into crispy white snowflakes that fall all around him as he screams..........Lost........Oh my God no......... we are lost.

155 plus title

5. 19 Aug 2009 19:28


I left out the word frosted. The sentence should read: He raises the frosted spy glass to his eye and his body shudders.

6. 19 Aug 2009 19:29


Opps I was under Ash's login!

7. 20 Aug 2009 08:55


Ah, I was going to do a story about an Antarctic Captain. Good stuff everyone. I love that Doug and lynnspotter both used frosted for hair, I hadn't thought of that.

8. 20 Aug 2009 09:01


Dragon: My mom used to have frosted hair when I was a kid. It still sticks out in my mind. Yikes! Of course I thought I was the king with my purple Pumas. lol.

9. 20 Aug 2009 10:01


I've never done this before so here goes......

The Captain and Mrs.Rice

They walked hand in hand, each step with a crunch on the cold white
snow. As they approached the house the smell of warm fruit cobbler
prepared earlier, filled the air. Her husband struggled with one loop
on his coat, arthritis having set in both his hands. After making a nice, cozy
fire in the fireplace, they sat down to enjoy bowls of warm cobbler
the topping crispy and delicious. Later they sipped hot mugs of cocoa
in front of the crackling fire. All was well with the world as they watched
quietly through frosted window panes as soft flakes fell to earth. She
glanced at him as he took a second puff from his pipe. Remembering
how they had met forty years ago on a night such as this she took his
hand in hers and said how much she loved him. He smiled and gently
kissed her cheek.

10. 20 Aug 2009 14:38



I have NOT resigned. Sorry for not posting or participating lately. But my internet issues have now escalated to a fight with the neighbor who I shared signal with and an outright battle with the cable company that had previously provided me service.

So I have no service at home and find it difficult at best to write or draw when using other people's computers.

So I am semi-retired for a while.

Please keep ThinkWrite alive. It's my favorite thing on the entire internet.

I will contribute again regularly when I get this all settled or whenever FiOS comes to my neighborhood.

Much love,

11. 20 Aug 2009 21:15


I'm sure your followers will keep the home fires burning, Ron. Good luck with the signal issue.

12. 20 Aug 2009 21:55


Glad to hear from you, Ron. I was beginning to wonder. And I am so glad you started this. My daughter even used it as a teaching exercise for a college project!

13. 21 Aug 2009 08:13


Ron: Ditto to all the other posts. ThinkWrite lives on, but you are missed. I think I'll start the more critical comments, etc. that you were so good at and became a big part of this thread.

14. 21 Aug 2009 08:58


We do miss you Ron. I tried to keep up the fun spirit you brought back to this with your Clue word list. We do miss your writing too and hope you get your issues solved soon. Best of luck!

15. 21 Aug 2009 22:22


Okay, you couldn't keep me out of my own word list. Here's mine (I did blunder by using puffs instead of puff, but I kept to the word limit and I can't award myself the torch anyway )


She remembered that day. Hearing the gravel crunch under his boots. Throwing the door open to see the fog had limned everything making the world look frosted with moisture. His breath coming in excited puffs as he exclaimed ‘They promoted me to Captain!’
They’d made languorous love all morning then eaten fruit and rice pudding in bed not having the energy even to boil water for hot cocoa. It was the best day.
This morning she fingered every polished button, every braided loop, ensured there were no flakes on his immaculate shoulder thinking ‘He’s so meticulous about his uniform.’
Then sitting stoically and listening to the words of others flow over her. She felt her grief break inside her with a crispy snap as his colleagues folded the flag into a neat triangle and handed it to her with such gentleness and she sobbed aloud. It was the worst day.

16. 22 Aug 2009 08:57


Oh, Dragon, that made me cry. Wonderful writing. Not even a hint of the breakfast cereal tone of the word list.

17. 22 Aug 2009 09:35


Dragon, I got all choked up after reading yours. (sigh)

18. 22 Aug 2009 14:45


For a while I thought I was going to have to have them eating Rice Crispies 'cause I couldn't think where to put those words.

19. 23 Aug 2009 22:46


155 plus title. This is a fun list, Dragon.

Tiring vs. Retiring

The toes of Marsha’s shoes in the gravel produced a crunch every time she shifted her weight. She began to puff as she scooted along, laying the cocoa fiber strip between the lawn and the driveway. The driveway was a loop through the yard, coming in by the fruit trees and going out beside the giant oak. Marsha was looking forward to having its shade while she finished up. The skin of her hands was like rice paper, thin and crispy, with flakes showing white in the heat. At 65, she was still wiry and strong, but that grey wasn’t in her hair because she’d had it frosted. Captain Michael was paying well for this renovation. The kids thought she should retire. Ha! Other people retired to garden;she got paid to do it. Marsha sat back and looked at the tidy border she had just created. Yep. This was the best of both worlds.

20. 24 Aug 2009 18:02


I love your story blessed!