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1. 4 Aug 2009 20:19


Thank you, Ron. So much!

Word count: 135 (am I evil, or what?)


Look forward to reading everything!! I'll pass the torch sometime next Tuesday.

2. 4 Aug 2009 21:17


lol, this is totally a WOW word list! nice. oh and btw, i acn't remember the name of the author you suggested.

3. 4 Aug 2009 21:19


can't- typo

4. 5 Aug 2009 05:33


Arw, I was quite drunk when we were talking, but I think the author I suggested to you was Mercedes Lackey.

And I was wondering if anyone would notice that this was a WoW list. lol.

5. 5 Aug 2009 07:24


that was the name. thank you!

6. 5 Aug 2009 09:13


Potters Potty Parade
By Doug

This was an instance a wand wouldn’t do. As part of his flight training young Potter was plunked down on the Potty under the stairs and his nether region exposed for the world to see before he was allowed his lessons.
Often, this became an epic battle between the shadow man who was in charge of such deliberations and young Potter who would rather have a fleshy tooth pulled from its socket.
Potter was instructed to find a higher gear in his cranium which only brought rage.
Eventually, young Potter would find his comfort zone and the battle would be over and the flying lessons could begin. He would pull up his drawers and his broomstick was twitching in anticipation in the corner of his room.
The Parade comes in another chapter…maybe another dreary day.

(135) not including title.

7. 5 Aug 2009 14:48


Doug: One thing I've learned about humor... Potty is always funny. So is satire. I LOVE this piece. It's a little disturbing but (for me) that only adds to it's charm.

On another note... I am SO glad to NOT have the torch anymore. That danged thing carries actual responsibility with it. Nice to just read and enjoy or not enjoy.

Interesting list Midnight. I'm not a WoW person (unless you count Opie and Anthony [anyone catch that reference?]) but I do like the list.

8. 5 Aug 2009 15:12


“Baja” by Ron

“God-Damned Germans!” he bellowed from the shadow of the steaming Volkswagen, “Give me a ten millimeter socket, a hammer and a magic wand. This gear is shot.”

His rage frightened me. I fumbled through the tools.

“Will duct tape do?”

“Only in the nether regions of the twilight zone but yeah – gimme that too.”

He banged and cursed under the car.

Three helicopters flew by. Their westward flight meant other racers.

“Uh Dad.”

“I know. I know. I hear them.”

In one final, epic string of swearing he emerged from under the car.

“Get in!” he yelled.

We jumped in the car and it actually started.

Dad shifted smoothly up through the gears and smiled.

“Good job kid: The very first instance where the old adage is true. If you can’t fix it – duct it!”

9. 5 Aug 2009 21:32


This sounds like fun so I will give it a try.


I can feel it, like a dark shadow creeping up from the nether regions of my mind. The temptation,desire and oh...the rage! Please no, dont let it take flight. I have the will power to resist its dark and sweet calling.

Inhale....exhale....stay in the zone. I must fight it, I WILL fight it! Like a warrior in some epic battle of wits. I will succeed! Oh it is a cunning adversary thats for sure, but in this instance I know I can win.
I have no magic wand to make it disapear. I can find the strength in myself.

Inhale....exhale....the reward is to great. A new me. So I will put on my battle gear and fight this dark urge........To eat all that yummy Socket-To-Me cake.

Well here it is 135 excluding title. And I was right this was fun! So glad I found this site!

10. 5 Aug 2009 21:59


135 words, plus title:

Again, Mommy!

Ralphy watched as bubbles wafted their lazy flight to the nether reaches of the sky. Mommy dipped into the bottle again then blew through the little hoop producing new waves of dancing orbs. He laughed at each new burst.

“Again, Mommy!”

Ralphy ran into the bubble zone, and one popped on his nose.

“Again, Mommy!”

The little monkey-see-monkey-do shadow soon demanded, “Let me!”

“Ff-f-f-ft!” he sprayed, holding the wand aloft. No bubbles. Another dip. Another puff, pink tongue peeking out.


Frantically, Ralphy swung the wand in an arc seemingly sure to pop his arm right out of the socket, but in this instance, knocked the gear over, spilling all.

Seeing a toddler rage about to erupt into epic proportions, Mommy snatched Ralphy up in a hug and spun him around the yard.

“Again, Mommy!”

11. 5 Aug 2009 22:07


Doug, nice alliteration!

Ron -- great punch-line!

belladonnis -- Way to go, staying away from that Socket-To-Me cake!

12. 5 Aug 2009 23:07


Ron: Big fan of the "old" Super Beetles. Owned several of them at one time. I think bubble gum would have worked also. Duct tape was the "long term fix". lol.

13. 7 Aug 2009 06:27


I'm reading all of them, guys...but can't find the energy to give any kind of feedback at this point.

please, keep the stories coming.

14. 7 Aug 2009 06:56


ok, this is just for fun-

/who shadowpreistman
Hi, John? It’s Becky. Your wife, I’m in the office.
What’s up, I’m heading into an instance to upgrade my gear
Can I come?
1, we have a tank, 2 you’re level 4 and we’re doin the nexus- in a zone you can’t even get to, and 3 you’re level 4!
Fine, hey how do I socket a gem?
Where’d you get a gem?
Auction house- its purple and it says +37 intellect
Where’d you get the gold for that, it’s not purple it’s ‘epic’ and you’re a warrior you use rage, int does you zero good.
I kinda logged on when you were at work…
WTF I’m missing 3000 gold! I was saving for my flight training!
I got a wand! and a Nether vortex!
/ignore prettylady143

15. 7 Aug 2009 08:01


I had to laugh as I read that! I so sounds like the conversations that swirl around me after my kids have been playing Everquest. Pretty much incomprehensible, but oh, so familiar! Definitely a clever way to use the word list. Er, the wife is a blond, right? lol

16. 7 Aug 2009 08:46


Here's another one. 135 words total:

Journal entry 8/7/09
Short flight to frozen lake, the drop zone for us and our gear. Then a grueling hike up to base camp. Equipment secured, we went out to check the project. Gone an hour then back; looking forward to hot food and some time with the epic novel I brought. Upon our approach, a huge bear trotted off with a ski pole in her mouth, waving it as if it were an evil magic wand. In this instance, it may have been, considering the look of the camp. It had shredded our stuff as if in a rage. The now howling wind had scattered it to the nether reaches of the forest shadow. Only thing intact was the stupid socket wrench that turned out to be the wrong size. Nature won this round.

17. 8 Aug 2009 09:17


Word count 135 exluding title..

Bullet Proof
By Doug

Epic battles between the three of us. Wand, my opponent, had no shoulder socket. I say three because the third party is the bullet. It plays the biggest part in our games. We change zones each time, one of us in the Nether room and the other obscured by the giant cog gear in the corner office.

Each time the bullet shows up. It becomes a rage against one of us that builds until it decides “times up” and one of us is a goner.

I assumed my position and Wand in an instance was a mere shadow against the steel-plated corner. We had our positions and the bullet was ready.

We fired!

The bullet took flight.

Wand lie motionless...dead.

The bullet won this battle. I just survived to face it again…

Tomorrows another day.

18. 8 Aug 2009 22:19


For those that may be unaware, My mother that passed was midnightpoet's grandma...

If you need anything baby girl... Anything at all... We are here for you... don't hesitate to ask...

I love you dearly baby girl...


19. 8 Aug 2009 22:38


Midnight - so sorry about your loss.

I'm not even asking. I'm just taking the torch back for now. Unless you actually want it right now.)

I'll follow the stories and pass a torch on Tuesday.

Let's all send prayers, good thoughts/karma to Matthew and Midnight.

And when I next get the torch - I give ot to midnight without question.

Matthew and Midnight. Go, grief, do, cry and laugh too. Be.

Ron (and the ThinkWrite Crowd)

20. 8 Aug 2009 22:54


Ron, that is a most gracious gesture. Thoughtful and practical. I am glad you thought to do it.