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Oh my!!!! I'm so very flattered!! I just saw this and had to pick my jaw up off the key board!!(lol)
I will try my best to pick some good ones, and have them out later tonight!


Congrats Belladonnis. Can't wait for the new word list and count! 135 was a bit tight, but even lower is fine if that's what you decide. Of course a little free-flowing story telling in a tad larger word count wouldn't be bad either. So wishy-washy Doug! Wait till I'm passed the torch. I have a special ThinkWrite planned! Look out!


midnightpoet, you made a great choice!

Belladonnis, I will be watching for your list and rules.

Write on, Dudes!


Exceleent: Belladonnis; do you know what to do next.

Start a new thread. Call it ThinkWrite XVI. Create a wordlist and a word count. Monitor things for a week or so. Then pick a torch bearer in the end. By tradition we don't give the torch back to whoever gave it to us (but that's not set in stone.)

On a personal note (but not a rule by any means): I've been lobbying hard to get word-counts back down to something manageable. You're free to pick any number of words (or phrases) you like and set the word count to whatever you like. But we were getting up close to 300 words and it was making for a lot of reading and not so tight writing which is, I believe, the point of this excercise.

Congratulations and get us a new list soon



I'm passing the torch to belladonnis for "Inhale...Exhale.."