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Forums - Community - Mugdots Challenge XXI - Childrens Stories.

1. 14 Jul 2009 15:31


I've thought long and hard to find a similarly happy subject for Mugdots Challenge XXI. At first I thought 'Funny quotes or sayings' but they may be difficult to draw, so I've settled for a subject that hopefully we can all relate to ... Fairy stories or any children's stories that have remained in your memory since childhood.

2. 14 Jul 2009 15:51


Love it! Have put on the musing cap!

3. 14 Jul 2009 16:51


Great Suggestion:)

ok So one of my favorite stories growing up was "Little Black Sambo". It was banned when i was 1 in 1988, but my grandma managed to get her hands on a copy before they were all rounded up.- I'msorry if this offends anyone- that is not my intention. i thought it was a clever story about a clever boy- so here it is.

4. 15 Jul 2009 07:09


Good pick Login. Will work on that. What are the rules for when piks are done and when does this wrap up? can we post piks from our own galleries from say yesterday the 14th, last week, a month ago, starting now. Get the picture. We Tders need rules or we just go haywire!. lol.

5. 15 Jul 2009 08:37


Login: You seem to be wavering on exactly what you want, but I think its the fun and light part that comes thru. Here is my humble submission, even though it is original and there will be a poem with it, probably in the next "reply".

6. 15 Jul 2009 08:42


Billy Goat and Louis Lion
A lion and a goat make a strange pair,
when found at the zoo in August air.
The heat and dry earth in their throats.
Soot from chimneys cover their coats.
So louis and billy long for freedom
and find they are in a kingdom,
where the king holds tight reins
on his animal friends he always names.
And the Queen has her own stine,
where she always shares her wine.
So don't feel bad for Billy and Louis,
It could be worse being in the world of Dr. Seuss!

by Doug

7. 15 Jul 2009 18:04


Introducing Tettleburne. He is a stuffed animal hippopotamus, soft as a pillow, about the size of a football, 99% bald, and has been around for 47 years. The story: we were in a store, he was on sale for $3.50 and I fell in love. Mom wouldn't buy him. I had to save my money. I could do math and realized that, including taxes, I would have to wait eight weeks - an eternity in child-land! The wait was painful! What if someone else bought him? Imagine my surprise when the Sunday before my last needed allowance, I found Tettleburne in my Easter Basket! I had my beloved AND was I was rich - $3.50 saved!!! No one was more fortunate than I!

And, I am still count myself fortunate because kindnesses from mom were few and usually had a price attached. It took years into adulthood before I understood that she had undiagnosed and untreated mental illness. She never did get help, but the moments when she could be loving, kind, caring were, and are, priceless.

8. 16 Jul 2009 05:37


This is Wizard Mighty Big. My sister made him (real one looks MUCH better). He is about 3 inches tall, and don't let his goofy appearance fool you. WMB successfully fought off all demons and foes of the neighborhood. My sister also made about 15 other dolls to go with WMB's storyline: bad guys, helpers, etc. We played for HOURS with these home made dolls. Sometimes in a battle for good, one of the dolls would "lose" an arm or a leg, or clothing would be torn (and once caught on fire), but my sister was most handly with a needle & repairs. All in all, great days of fun - which I'd kind of forgotten about. Thanks qsilv forbringing up the memories!

9. 16 Jul 2009 05:39


Correction: thanks *Login* for bringing up fun and happy memories!

10. 16 Jul 2009 11:02


Sorry I've been out of circulation (it's called 'leaving the baby unattended'). As usual, I didn't think it through, so here are the rules:
New and all existing drawings, depicting childrens stories and fairy tales, are eliable.
End date for submissions is Tuesday, 21st July, 2009.
Sorry for the delay.

11. 16 Jul 2009 11:06


... delete eliable ... insert eligible.

12. 16 Jul 2009 11:22


Reread your original instructions, Login, and you were absolutely clear. I asked Rachel to remove my pics, comments, so it won't confuse others. : )

13. 16 Jul 2009 12:18


Marius, I don't want Rachel to remove your memories and your pictures ... they add to the pleasure of this thread. My belated instructions were in respose to requests for them (I forgot to set the rules and end date ... in the excitement of being honoured twice in one day). Please Rachel, leave them there ... it's a delight to read them.

14. 16 Jul 2009 13:05


Yes, KEEP Marius' contributions here, please!

15. 17 Jul 2009 05:10


Login, Qsilv, you are sweet. Already had Rachel remove pic I submitted to Breakfast because it didn't fit theme. Was doing same here, but I can live either way ... I think. lol!!! [And oops - already deleted one pic cause thought to re-do later in dif format.]

16. 17 Jul 2009 06:13


login said, "any children's stories that have remained in your memory since childhood"

...why wouldn't stories that we developed ourselves count?

And what an honor to our siblings, our friends (some long gone), our parents, to remember ones created --or told with a special twist-- by them!


17. 17 Jul 2009 12:17


Why not ... nice idea.

18. 17 Jul 2009 17:47


Well, Qsilv, now I'm seeing the directions differently AGAIN! Love this - seeing things from varying angles. Yes - Login, it is a nice idea. Thanks!

19. 20 Jul 2009 13:02


The gingham dog and the calico cat
Side by side on the table sat;
'Twas half-past twelve, and (what do you think!)
Nor one nor t'other had slept a wink!
The old Dutch clock and the Chinese plate,
Appeared to know as sure as fate
There was going to be a terrible spat.
(I wasn't there; I simply state
What was told to me by the Chinese plate!)

___Eugene Field

20. 21 Jul 2009 14:14


I don't know if that qualifies, but he was my childhood hero: