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marius, you start a new thread by going to the 'Community' main page (where you see all the forum threads in Community), at the bottom is a button that says 'Start New Thread' or something like that. Click it and it will ask you to name the thread. After you name it you can write the first post explaining the new challenge.
The new challenge is whatever strikes your fancy. Some people get specific, the first MugDots challenge (started by MugDots - fancy that) was monarch butterflies. Other people are quite general asking for the artists to put in their idea of 'Peace' or 'What will amuse a child'. So you can pretty much pick whatever you want to see people draw.
The challenge usually run about a week from when you post it and if you so desire you can just say I'll be deciding on this date or if you want to you can pick a time.

Hope that helps, looking forward to the new challenge.


Wow - Login, I'm surprised and honored! Thanks!

Have put on my thinking cap for next challenge, meanwhiile - questions for you. I know how to start a new forum topic, what else do I need to know? How long should the challenge be (# of days)? Does it have to have specific start and stop times (like 7 p.m.)? Are there any guidelines for challenege topic?

Thanks much!


Good morning Mugdotters. I enjoyed this challenge and now have to hand on the Mugdots award to somebody else. All of these submissions are prize-worthy. However, there are no prizes to be won … just the knowledge that your childhood stories and rhymes are appreciated.

Arw, I can vaguely remember ‘Sambo’ … your drawing and explanation is delightful.
Doug’s ‘Billy Goat & Louis Lion’ was new to me and is well depicted in his drawing.
Kaylynn’s ‘The Gingham Dog and The Calico Cat’ is also new to me … the drawing is superb, as is the perfect lettering.
a4e4ka created a good drawing of the cavalier D'Artagnan
Marius enthralled me with her personal stories. My thanks to Qsilv for helping to save them from deletion … they stirred up memories of my own childhood.

Therefore, I pass the torch to Marius for the next Mugdots Challenge.


I don't know if that qualifies, but he was my childhood hero:


The gingham dog and the calico cat
Side by side on the table sat;
'Twas half-past twelve, and (what do you think!)
Nor one nor t'other had slept a wink!
The old Dutch clock and the Chinese plate,
Appeared to know as sure as fate
There was going to be a terrible spat.
(I wasn't there; I simply state
What was told to me by the Chinese plate!)

___Eugene Field