Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - Mugdots Challenge XVIII

1. 9 Jun 2009 13:51


Sorry it took me so long. I work long shifts all weekend, so haven't been on much, just an occasional browse through the gallery. But thanks for the big honor! I wasn't actually meaning to "compete" with my fables. Just wanted to get some good morals across to everyone in a fun way. So what a surprise to be chosen!

Anyway, have thought long and hard about the next challenge. Came up with a few ideas, then browsed back at the old challenges and they were all there already. RATS! So, I narrowed it down to 2. I was thinking maybe an old west theme, mainly because I loved that one Polenta did a week or so ago. But, then decided, with winter finally waving goodbye, and sunshine and warm climates approaching (at least in THIS hemisphere) I'd go with a tropical theme.

So the new Mugdots challenge is Anything Tropical. I'll give you guys a week this time. I'll pass the baton at 7pmish on Tues. June 16th. I'll accept anything from June 1st on, though. Happy drawing!

2. 9 Jun 2009 14:14


How 'bout Trpoical Fish?

3. 10 Jun 2009 06:57


Posted for others~ by Footsie

~ by a4e4ka

~ by hipchick2sexy

~ by mekeys

~ by lilalee

~ by Ria90

~ by karbs

~ by nstough

Kept seeing tropical pics, don't think they knew of the challenge! Anyway, here are some more good ones to go with Rons.

4. 10 Jun 2009 08:47


Thanks, Lynn. I realized too late that I didn't include the topic in the name of the forum thread. I wish we could edit on these forums. Maybe I'll start a new one with the topic included, but I'll still use these pics, too!