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Thanks, Lynn. I realized too late that I didn't include the topic in the name of the forum thread. I wish we could edit on these forums. Maybe I'll start a new one with the topic included, but I'll still use these pics, too!


Posted for others~ by Footsie

~ by a4e4ka

~ by hipchick2sexy

~ by mekeys

~ by lilalee

~ by Ria90

~ by karbs

~ by nstough

Kept seeing tropical pics, don't think they knew of the challenge! Anyway, here are some more good ones to go with Rons.


How 'bout Trpoical Fish?


Sorry it took me so long. I work long shifts all weekend, so haven't been on much, just an occasional browse through the gallery. But thanks for the big honor! I wasn't actually meaning to "compete" with my fables. Just wanted to get some good morals across to everyone in a fun way. So what a surprise to be chosen!

Anyway, have thought long and hard about the next challenge. Came up with a few ideas, then browsed back at the old challenges and they were all there already. RATS! So, I narrowed it down to 2. I was thinking maybe an old west theme, mainly because I loved that one Polenta did a week or so ago. But, then decided, with winter finally waving goodbye, and sunshine and warm climates approaching (at least in THIS hemisphere) I'd go with a tropical theme.

So the new Mugdots challenge is Anything Tropical. I'll give you guys a week this time. I'll pass the baton at 7pmish on Tues. June 16th. I'll accept anything from June 1st on, though. Happy drawing!