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Forums - Community - Ghost Story

1. 5 Jun 2009 07:43


I'd like to challenge TD'ers to do an apparition - with it, a Ghost Story. Whatever you choose to write about. As you can see, I've done one. It was fun to do. Enjoy!

2. 5 Jun 2009 07:44


The Apparition II

The house sat cold, damp and deserted on a property above the ocean.

A gentleman, his name is Robert, stood on the doorstep, chills running up and down his back. He’s thinking “what a beautiful Manor”, why then is there no one in residence, why is it being sold? Not wanting to wait for the realtor any longer, he rings the bell, no answer. Looking around his eyes settle on the stoop where something silver catches his eye. Bending down, he lifts the mat to discover the rest of the object, a key! Deciding to go forward, he inserts the key in the lock, the door opens. Again, the inside echoes the cold, damp and deserted feeling. Going from room to room he feels the eyes of someone upon him. Once more, the feeling of cold running down his back! Above the fireplace he notes a portrait of a beautiful woman, fair skin, long, black and shiny hair. Quite beautiful he thinks. From there, he wonders to the Library, another portrait catches his eye. That of a handsome gentleman with dark, cold, penetrating eyes. This causes a shiver that he can’t explain. Thinking of the darkness starting to fall he seeks a candle, there upon the table is a taper. Lighting it, he continues his journey through the Manor. Hm, this must be the Captain Stewarts’ Manor. Robert thinks, “now I remember.” Feeling tired, he takes a seat to rest, he begans to recall the details. The Captain’s wife, he believes, her name was Rosell, a beautiful woman, loving and known for her kindness to the villagers. Vaguely he recalls, Rosell was found at the bottom of the Ravine by the ocean. The Captain of course had shown a proper display of grief, angst and pain. Hidden to all were the trysts of the Captain with his new love, Cordelia! They would meet quietly down the path at the boat house. Their passion knew no bounds. These meetings continued for a long time. Cordelia gave Stewart an ultimatum. He, being greedy, decided in his mind, to be with his new love.

Rosell, her suspicions growing by leaps and bounds, called to Stewart. No answer. Deciding to seek him out, she takes her shawl, wrapping it around her and lifting the lantern, stomps with deliberate steps out the door. She glances over the Manor, not seeing him, she decides to walk the path. She stops, and listens, hearing laughs and groans continues down the path. There, in the moonlight she sees two figures embracing. The sound of light giggles pulls her closer. From behind the bushes, she watches and listens. She turns, starts up the path. Steward hears her, slowly following her, calling her. She ignores him. Finally at the top of the path, she turns and speaks. You cheat, I hate you. You’ll get nothing. Take yourself and leave. The Captain grabs her arm, pulls her to him, spewing hateful words. Cordelia, watches in fright and panic! The Captain and Rosell push and shove each other shouting hateful words… Cordelia steps in, grabbing Rosell’s hair, pulling and shoving her. All of a sudden, they reach the cliff’s end, none of them noting the mud and unevenness of the cliff. The Captain grabs Cordelia’s arm, Cordelia, slipping while holding onto Rosell’s hair, slides on the mud and the three fall over the cliff to their demise!

Rosell, her spirit, it’s said, roams the Manor moaning in pain at the loss of her once, true love.

3. 5 Jun 2009 07:45


The above story was inspired by lynnspotter - thank you for your inspiration.

4. 5 Jun 2009 08:04


Whoa, that was GREAT! Sounds like a good ghost to live with! I think he should buy the manor!!

5. 5 Jun 2009 08:43


Hey, don't forget about me!. Who got you on this ghost kick? lol.

6. 5 Jun 2009 12:12


Sorry Doug - Yes, you inspired the Apparition Drawing! Thank you! Is this the Academy Awards?

7. 5 Jun 2009 13:14


It's the KM Akagle awards!

8. 5 Jun 2009 13:41


The what? Let's see some stories here.

9. 5 Jun 2009 15:14


I'm in! Love a good ghost!!

10. 5 Jun 2009 19:32


It has been so long ago that I no longer remember my name. I have served 7 masters. my first master was kind and gentle. he taught me to to respond to the slightest movement of his body when he was mounted. I came to love him and believe I served him well. we ran and jumped through the fields and forests; loving the sun and the wind on our faces. Later when my master became weaker and weaker, I had to walk carefully so he could remain mounted as we took the same route many times from his home to the small cottage that smelled of chemicals and death. we slowly returned home after these trips. we did not run for I feared for my master.
One day my master did not return from the cottage. I waited but no one came for several days. when finally someone came the man smelled of chemicals and death. He was not unkind, but he seemed sad and tired. he spoke, but not in command, he did not mount, he rode another. he led me to a crowded place with many riderless horses. I was finally fed and groomed. many stange men came to see me. they touched my flanks and my mouth, not always with kindness. One came who stayed and spoke with me. he mounted and we ran. I had not run for a long time, there was hope and joy when I went away with him.
He was a soldier, he taught me to fight: to stand. to advance. to turn quickly. to follow his arm with a sword. we became as one in battle. there were many battles. I learned about pain and courage with this master.
there was a battle my master and I fought well, but he was struck and fell.
I was taken to another place. I had 4 masters that were not kind or gentle. they taught me about hunger and thirst, about work and endurance. I tried to serve them well but they were not pleased I think. the last of these masters gave me to a man who had the smell of blood and long dead animals about him. he did not ride lightly, he was large and moved with difficulty. there were others with him though, they were small and light. one was very small and came to me often. we ran sometimes but I not as joyfully as in the past. I could not run as fast nor as far. with the small one on my back there was no weight but my legs were not strong and I sometimes had no air it seemed. the small one had joy when we ran. so I ran with him if he asked.
one day the small one wanted to run so we went to the place where the big trees grew, and the sun was dappled on the ground. the shadows grew long but the small one did not go home. soon a large pack of dogs with cruel teeth came around us. the small one no longer had joy but rather he trembled.
I remembered lessons of courage and standing, I remembered endurance, I remembered my small master, I did not want him to fall. It was time for me to take him home, whether he would or no. we ran, he did not lead. I took him. I t was far and my legs became weak and tired. the dogs came fast and noisy after us. the small one trembled, I too trembled with weakness. we were both wet from running. home was far but I could take the smallest master there, even though my breath came hard and there was pain in my chest. I ran and finally there was home the large man and the other smaller ones were there they were making loud noise and the dogs were turning away. I kept running, yet I was laying down on the ground, there was no pain in my chest, there was joy. my samllest master was safely beside me, hwere I lay. he was not riding, yet I ran. the shadows were not long but the sun was bright...I was free

11. 5 Jun 2009 19:37


I really have no literary talent but I can read well. I also can't type at all please forgive the typos. this is the best story you will get out of the likes of me I'm afraid. but I do so enjoy all of yours .

12. 5 Jun 2009 21:10


That's just awesome, gwinny - and what a brilliant ending ! I haven't had much chance to catch up with the latest literary efforts, but this one is right up there with the best.

13. 5 Jun 2009 21:28


.....gwinny! such heart....!

14. 6 Jun 2009 08:40


gwinny - I'm sitting, (I'm being very sincere) here with tears after reading that story. It is so touching and lovely, a story of devotion and true love! You should congratulate yourself. Thank you for contributing. Loved it all!

15. 6 Jun 2009 09:59


Theres a place deep in the earth where the "true" demons are trapped. They derive out of misguided souls on earth who take the wrong path and find the evil lord who brandishes them as his servants. One such demon walked the earth many years ago. His name used to be Henry. He was a mailman who found friends wherever he traveled. He was so beloved that one day he met his true love at a town tribute to the man of the year. Yes it was Henry. Henry and his love Rebecca spent many years enjoying life inside their modest, but large house. It was Victorian of course, but Henry added his own little touches and his wife was an immaculate housekeeper who gave the "home" love as well to Henry. When Henry passed, Rebecca soon followed. They were buried by Henry's brother and he took over the house. Jake (Henry's brother) spent a lot of time in the basement working at crafts and one day he heard noises coming from upstairs. He slowly ascended the basement steps into the main parlor. There appeared a mist that swallowed up the "upstairs" staircase and a "demon" appeared out of the fog. Jake didn't know it, but it was Henry. He was still looking for Rebecca, but had become a demon ghost by crossing the paths with the evil lord. -30-

16. 6 Jun 2009 10:02


You're all experts at "click and drag" or whatever it is. Could someone please add my "art" to the story or close by, please. And there's your story KM.

17. 6 Jun 2009 10:26


Here you go, Doug...

Theres a place deep in the earth where the "true" demons are trapped. They derive out of misguided souls on earth who take the wrong path and find the evil lord who brandishes them as his servants. One such demon walked the earth many years ago. His name used to be Henry. He was a mailman who found friends wherever he traveled. He was so beloved that one day he met his true love at a town tribute to the man of the year. Yes it was Henry. Henry and his love Rebecca spent many years enjoying life inside their modest, but large house. It was Victorian of course, but Henry added his own little touches and his wife was an immaculate housekeeper who gave the "home" love as well to Henry. When Henry passed, Rebecca soon followed. They were buried by Henry's brother and he took over the house. Jake (Henry's brother) spent a lot of time in the basement working at crafts and one day he heard noises coming from upstairs. He slowly ascended the basement steps into the main parlor. There appeared a mist that swallowed up the "upstairs" staircase and a "demon" appeared out of the fog. Jake didn't know it, but it was Henry. He was still looking for Rebecca, but had become a demon ghost by crossing the paths with the evil lord.

18. 6 Jun 2009 11:36


Doug - I'm impressed. What a good story. See, you can do it. Send some more!

19. 6 Jun 2009 15:44

lilalee The Hearse Song
Don't you ever laugh as the hearse goes by,
For you may be the next to die.
They wrap you up in a big white sheet
From your head down to your feet
They put you in a big black box
And cover you up with dirt and rocks.
All goes well for about a week,
Then your coffin begins to leak.
The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out,
The worms play pinochle on your snout.
They eat your eyes, they eat your nose,
They eat the jelly between your toes.
A big green worm with rolling eyes
Crawls in your stomach and out your eyes.
Your stomach turns a slimey green,
And pus pours out like whipping cream.
You spread it on a slice of bread,
And thats what you eat when you are dead.

20. 6 Jun 2009 16:13

The Viper

A widow lived alone on the top floor of an apartment house. One morning the telephone rang.
"Hello," she said.
"This is the viper," a man said. "I'm coming up."
"Somebody is fooling around," she thought, and hung up.
A half-hour later the telephone rang again. It was the same man.
"It's the viper," he said. "I'll be up soon."
The widow didn't know what to think, but she was getting frightened.
Once more the telephone rang. Again it was the viper.
"I'm coming up now," he said.
She quickly called the police. They said they would be right over.
When the doorbell rang, she sighed with relief. "They are here!" she thought.
But when she opened the door, there stood a little old man with a bucket and a cloth. "I am the viper," he said. "I vish to vash and vipe the vindows."