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Robin: Thanks for the help. I'll have to have KM show me how to do that sometime. Love the poem and the other stories. You all are great ghost story tellers. I play another computer game then i'll be back to "draw" something. I have an idea...........


Oh my gosh! I just read both of your entries, Lila, and I am cracking up! I had heard that hearse lyric to a song as a kid. My version has a few differences, but essentially the same, just not as detailed, I don't think! I love these challenges that combine literary talent with artistic talent. You guys have all done a great job! Polenta, yours is short and to the point! Made me smile! And Doug, I think yours will need an exorcism soon. One of these days I'll try to get creative enough to draw and write one, too!


Beware of my ghost!!! It's sooooooooooooo scary!!!!


Thank you, gwinnyb! I have to come up with a really scary one though!!


LOL love the viper