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1. 25 May 2009 04:44


OK, here is the new word list. 200 words, same rules for the 3-word penalty for changing a word. I'll pass the torch on Saturday the 30th around 2pm TD time.

Wedn esday

2. 25 May 2009 04:47


~Dreamland part 3~

Back in Dreamland, Tony was worried. They all had an encounter or two with Raphael and knew how determined he was to the mission he gave himself. To seek and destroy. Everyone here knew how delicate this matter was, but when it came down to it, they were also scared. Never in a million years had someone been able to exit Dreamland after entering. It had always been one way, and now everyone knew why. Blood was the price that had to be paid.

Tony paced back and forth in the cellar where he liked to think. He had a very prestigious position in the circle of elders here in Dreamland and they always sent him to do the nitty-gritty work. They had summoned him to a meeting today, Wednesday, and he already knew what they would ask of him.

Because of the blood rule, he was not allowed to exit Dreamland, he would never ever spill blood. Some may argue that alittle blood spilled here and there was masculine and every man should do it at least once in their life, Tony, refused. Instead Milton said he would intertwine him to a relative. What a pleasure.

3. 25 May 2009 06:23


Do you two know each other? How in the world did you, SabreAngel, compose that in 3 minutes??! Are we up against a GENIUS? WOW!

4. 25 May 2009 06:24


Sabra, this is really impressive! Can't wait for the next installment. But I don't see the word "undulating" anywhere in there?

5. 25 May 2009 06:26


OK Now I see the words were posted in previous TW V.

6. 25 May 2009 13:35


Lol Lynnspotter.

It's not there, huh I remember looking it up for placement. My apologies. I will remedy that quickly.

Or is it too late?

7. 25 May 2009 14:15


If this is against the rules, sorry, my last was written before I went to be. Even if this rewrite is not able to be entered, I am posting it so you all will have the new edited version.

~Dreamland part 3~

Back in Dreamland, Tony was worried. They all had encountered Raphael and knew how determined he was to the mission he gave himself. To seek and destroy. Everyone here knew how delicate this matter was, but when it came down to it, they were also scared. Never in a million years had someone been able to exit Dreamland after entering. It had always been one way, and now everyone knew why. Blood was the price that had to be paid.

Tony paced in the cellar where he often thought. He had a very prestigious position in the circle of elders here in Dreamland and they always sent him to do the nitty-gritty work. They had summoned him to a meeting today, Wednesday, and he already knew what they would ask of him.

Because of the blood rule, he was not allowed to exit Dreamland, he would never spill blood. Some may argue that a little blood spilled was masculine and every man should do it at least once in their life, Tony, refused. Instead Milton said he would intertwine him to a relative. What a pleasure. Tony slowly drifted to the meeting hall watching the grain undulating in the breeze.

8. 25 May 2009 19:31


Alright, here is the thing.... I shared my work with a few friends today and they were begging for more...So, as requested I went ahead and wrote part 4 of Dreamland following Robin's rules.

If at anytime you feel me taking over... let me know 'Kay? I am limiting myself to two entries per session, so not to become too over baring. That and I do not think I could write a third.

With that said, I present you with ~Dreamland Part 4~

Tony knocked on the large oak door of the meeting hall.

"Come in!" He heard Milton call. The doors swung open. Nervously Tony entered. "Ah, Tony! Just the man we were waiting on. Let the meeting begin." Milton exclaimed. "Let the records state that we started at noon today, Wednesday, on July 2nd. We all know what this meeting is about," he continued," The Dreamer Samuel was used by Raphael so he can enter into the waking realm. He must be stopped. All who've had an encounter with him know his plans." The prestigious group began whispering fervently. "Fellow Elders, Please relax. It is far from over, there is plenty of time to stop him. Tony," he called, "By the request of the group please go after Raphael. Unlike Raphael, your represent all that is good in Dreamland. We need a good wholesome masculine man such as you to help us."

Tony, not surprised, nodded."It would be my pleasure."

"I had previously considered intertwining you to a relative, but I have decided the Dreamer Samuel needs you more. Come back tomorrow for completion"

Walking back through the undulating wheat, Tony headed to his cellar to think.

9. 26 May 2009 20:12


Oh, I love this word list. Now if I could just find some time to write.

10. 26 May 2009 20:33


200 words excluding title

~~~The Prophecy II~~~

With the prophecy now looming Tomori saw her prestigious life undulating away like the receding tide. Since her Wednesday encounter with the dreamer her life from had turned one of pleasure to that of nitty-gritty and relative chaos.

“Mathias!” she called.

“Yes m’lady?”

“I am going to need a list of all my grand-uncle’s business contacts.”

“Does this have to do with the prophecy m’lady?”

“It does, what do you know of it?”

“Nothing m’lady ‘cept it caused your grand-uncles demise.”

“How do you mean?”

“Only that the last anybody heard from your grand-uncle was three days before he set off on his search.”


To beak the eerie silence that settled Mathias stated, “I will get you his contact list… both of them.”

“Mathias?” and with that he was gone.

Her mundane life being forced to intertwine with the unforeseen Tomori’s preparations took her to her cellar door. It wasn’t really a cellar but more of a study that had been used by her grand-uncle and now her on very rare occasions. Entering the study she felt reassured as his masculine aura still filled the room. She knew that her long and tenuous journey would be laid out here.

11. 26 May 2009 20:34


I do have to say that friggen Undulating word really stumped me

12. 26 May 2009 21:22


Sorry it's taken me awhile to comment, but I work twelve-hour night shifts each weekend and have little time for anything but work and sleep. I actually made up this work list "on the job" Saturday night, but then didn't really have time to do much else here.

Anyway, Sabrangel, I didn't consider your rewrite a cheat at all, and actually admired your diligence in trying to get that stupid undulating word in there after all. Although fantasy is not my favorite genre, I am finding your story addicting and keep waiting for the next installment.

Likewise, ZeroMac, your story is suspenseful and has an old-world feel to it that I find really appealing. I think you are both brilliant for being able to continue your stories with each new challenging word list. And by the way, ZeroMac, I am kind of regretting that undulating word. It really IS a hard one to incorporate. You did a fine job, though. I am a nurse, and came up with those words at work, so I was picturing someone's undulating intestines at the time! LOL! If anyone wants, I'll take it out and come up with a new word to replace it.

Dragon, I am anxiously awaiting your contribution, but totally understanc about the time constraints. And I have to mention to you, I was reading some of the drama between you and anonymous. This will be my only comment about it. I think whomever it is has a personality disorder and an almost obsessive need for controversy and attention. The constant compulsion to instigate arguments, and the obsessive need to get the last word in is a clue to some of this individual's persona. I think you hit the nail on the head when you siad you won't take the bait anymore. The best thing we can all do is not engage. Iknow it's hard sometimes, especially when the attack is personalized, but by not engaging, by literally ignoring those posts as if they don't exist, that individual will become bored and take his/her toxic behaviors to some other site. Maybe they could google to find a site for debate or like a practice site for future litigators. But I really can't stand the toxic feel it brings when everyone gets sucked into the drama. Let's all try to commit to ignoring it. That way anonymous can have his/her precious last word and move on.

Anyway, back to the writing--Keep up the good work, folks. It makes for fantastic reading!

13. 26 May 2009 21:34


Thanks Robin! I was thinking about trying for a third. My brain wanted to write it while i was trying to sleep earlier.

Merc, AWESOME! Now if i could just get you to work on the first two chapters of our book we will be all set.

Robin, I think you should keep Undulating. Its a wonderful word. Even if you got it from someones intestines.

14. 27 May 2009 07:17


I agree, undulating was one of my favorite words on the list and I already know how I'm going to use it. One of my favorite things about these challenges is trying to incorporate words I would not have normally used. I find it stretches me and usually makes for a better story.

Also, I appreciate your wisdom regarding the drama around the end of the last ThinkWrite thread. What was starting to frustrate me was how it was putting the focus on an old thread when we should really be concentrating on this new thread and getting our creative juices flowing here.

I'll post my story soon, it's coming together in my head, just have to get it out of there and on here.

15. 27 May 2009 08:43



16. 27 May 2009 09:57


Title: Authoress

“Nate, fetch me a bottle from the cellar,” Hammond said, poking the boy’s side.

“Stay put, Nate” May said, grabbing her son’s skinny arm. “It’s barely 10 am, Hammond.”

“Morning pleasure never hurts, May.” He shrugged. “I suppose one must encounter finer things, undulating tastes, to understand. To my mind –”

May whacked Hammond’s head, knocking his glasses from his wide brow onto the end of his crimped nose. “Stop puffing up.”

“Like I said.” He shrugged. “Wednesday, was it you said?” He held his spectacles up to the sun and squinting. “These never stay clean.” He touched them to his jacket.

“Don’t, Unc,” the boy said, snatching the glasses. “Tweed scratches’em.” Nate wiped the lens gently on his cotton t-shirt. “Wednesday. Don’t forget to mail it. Mom deserves the prize.”

“Is that right, May?”

Nate’s mother took the glasses from Nate and placed them on Hammond’s brow. “What’s the point of cleaning these? You never look out of them.”

“She entered using her own name,” Nate whispered.

“Why?” he asked, intertwining his fingers and cracking his knuckles.

May answered. “It’s prestigious.”

“Too bad. You’d have a real chance with a masculine pseudonym. People don’t know you.”

17. 27 May 2009 09:59


arg, should be "squinted" rather than "squinting"

18. 27 May 2009 10:05


five, I always like how you bring so much personality to so few words. You really have us seeing these people.

19. 27 May 2009 10:06


Here's mine, 200 words not including title.

The Winter of the Wind

Do you remember, my love, the winter of the wind? After all the summer folk had gone back to their prestigious jobs and left us in relative silence in the tiny cottage at the end of the spit. Do you remember how the August breeze that so playfully shaped the undulating dunes, by December had turned nasty, cold. Oh how that angry wind rattled the shutters and howled outside as the surf pounded the shore. Do you recall how our bodies would intertwine, yours so masculine, mine so petite as we listened to Nitty-Gritty Dirt Band songs to try to hold onto summer. The pleasure of those rare quiet mornings when the wind died down and we couldn’t quite recall if it was Tuesday or Wednesday. The frightening evenings that had us wishing for a storm cellar when the gale would shake the cottage, shrieking in frustration that it couldn’t drive us out. ‘The wind is like a woman’, you said, ‘with a voice all her own. She can whisper in your ear, she can moan like a lover, she can shriek like a harridan or murmur like a nun. Listen carefully when you encounter her.’ I miss you so.

20. 27 May 2009 10:44


Nice, Dragon.

Somehow I dropped the sentence that had relative and nitty gritty. Revised to put those words back in:

“Nate, fetch me a bottle from the cellar,” Hammond said, poking the boy’s side.

“Stay put, Nate.” May grabbed her son’s skinny arm. “It’s barely 10 am, Hammond.”

“Morning pleasure never hurts, May.” He shrugged. “I suppose one must encounter finer things, undulating tastes, to understand. To my mind –”

May whacked Hammond’s head, knocking his glasses from his wide brow onto the end of his crimped nose. “Stop puffing up.”

“Like I said.” He shrugged. “Nate, can’t ignore the nitty gritty in being a relative. Wednesday, was it?” He held his spectacles up to the sun and squinted. “These never stay clean.” He touched them to his jacket.

“Don’t, Unc,” the boy said, snatching the glasses. “Tweed scratches’em.” Nate wiped the lens gently on his cotton t-shirt. “Wednesday. Don’t forget to mail it. Mom deserves the prize.”

“Is that right, May?”

Nate’s mother took the glasses and placed them on Hammond’s brow. “What’s the point of cleaning these? You never look out of them.”

“She’s using her own name,” Nate whispered.

“Why?” he asked, intertwining his fingers and cracking his knuckles.

“It’s prestigious.”

“Too bad. You’d have a real chance with a masculine pseudonym. People don’t know you.”