Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - Addiction & Withdraws

1. 12 May 2009 21:31


It is nearly 3 days since I have drawn a pic... I can hardly wait to get some time to sit & draw some more... I find myself popping in for 2-3 minute stints just to see what is going on...

I have so much going on right now that my head is spinning, yet my mind wanders to think draw... This can not be healthy can it? I do not get high from it, but I feel a release of tension when I sit to draw...

There is no doubt that I am addicted... There is no doubt I am having withdraws from it...

Am I alone?

What if anything should I do?

Perhaps limiting my time here... but I really don't wish to...

I am rambling on... But even typing in the forum I feel that release...



2. 12 May 2009 22:39


I had to take some time off, had some traveling and some health issues of my own.

After I was off for a while I kinda’ got over it for (Like the second week off of caffeine) so perhaps like smoking, you’ve got to go cold turkey…

Since I’ve been back however you could say I’m not just smoking, I’m on fire!!!!

Does that help???

3. 12 May 2009 22:51


um, you guys do know about the brain working from two halves... right?

Oversimplified, one is verbal/digital/analytical/judgmental... the other's visual/analog/measuring/observational --and that second part is the one we draw from. The trick to leading a balanced life, of course, is to integrate them.

Our culture mostly encourages the first, tho' anyone who can drive a car is relying hugely on the second... and why would you want to stultify either side?

(smiles) I look at the urge to draw as akin to the urge to sleep --sooner or later you really do need a goodly dose of it!

4. 12 May 2009 22:51


I only just found this site and I find it hard to not be around here an dplaying

5. 13 May 2009 02:48


incredible....after reading the other see why think draw is addictive. Not only do you get to create art in a way new to u....but you get to see some of the best art ever friendly people....and just when u didnt think it could get any read the forum...its like the multi-vitamin for this whole site. If that makes any'm half asleep and stressed out...hmmmm just gave another reason to be addicted to this's a stress releaser for me you've seen I'm sure... lol explains my dark side.

And Matthew... yes I feel the same way...I look at it like can you NOT be addicted to think draw. If your should be..only good can come of it.

I have a question too....does anyone else look in the line up for new themes everytime u open the page?
...I crave experimenting with new media . like thinking up new ideas for themes and media to actually working with it.

6. 13 May 2009 03:05


OMG I forgot to give props to the people here!!!!! Whether you know it or not...simply by reading your posts and looking at your work...I feel a connection with you that gives me this JOLT of positivity. Just the boost I need. As corny as it sounds... **blushes** but ya, thats how I feel. You all are awesome people. each one of you and the group as a whole xoxo


7. 13 May 2009 07:35


Going through a lot on my end so I don't feel like drawing at all right now so I'm just voting but not leaving many comments.

8. 13 May 2009 09:52


I'm with you matthew, thouroughly addicted. I can't remember the last time I went a day without at least checking in. I can't say I've suffered withdrawal but that's only because I haven't given myself a chance.
I do agree with lilmiss and Qsilv, I think this is a beneficial addiction. Like being addicted to making music or something of that nature (also throw in a community of people like no other, which is more than 1/2 the reason I stop in so frequently.)
So I don't think we need to form a support group - Think Drawers Anon. Hi my name is Dragon and I'm a Think Drawer.
Rather I think the whole thing is a bit of a support group to help those of us afflicted with real life.

9. 13 May 2009 10:14


Addiction is an interesting thing. Is it bad? Do you NEED to do something about it?
My thoughts:
~Release of tension is a good thing. Using TD for that purpose is probably much healthier than other possible choices, i.e. drugs, alcohol, kicking the dog, hours of mindless TV.
~Does coming here mean NOT doing things you really SHOULD be doing? (Time with spouse, kids, doing your job, sleep) Maybe you should limit your time.
~Does NOT coming here create problems in real life (withdrawls) i.e. sweats, palpitations, kicking the dog, inablility to concentrate on the Simsons... Maybe you really need to get a life.
~Matthew, with all you have on your plate, TD is probably a healthy and needed release. Not sure about Baldur, though.

Obviously, this is a very cool place to be, partly because you are here, so please don't write us off completely.

10. 13 May 2009 10:51


(Smiles)... Glad i am not alone & thanks for responding...

11. 13 May 2009 13:21


Have I finally usurped matthew as the bad boy of ThinkDraw?
I knew I could do it!

12. 13 May 2009 15:17


Don't be silly Baldur... You don't have multiple forum threads set up just to cuss you out yet...

13. 13 May 2009 15:17


Oh great... I assume he is off to start his own "cuss Baldur out" thread...

14. 16 May 2009 16:51


OK, so I personally haven't been on for a week or two(gasps in horror ) and I'm gettin' into my groove now! Oh, jeez, does it feel good to be back...
Anyway, when I get on, I am very addicted to TD, but that's not all. For a while,at least, if not still, I have been addicted to Oreos. Raspberry iced tea also does me in. Not that anyone cares, but still.

15. 16 May 2009 21:36


We do care autumnchocolate (awesome name btw) and we feel your pain.

16. 17 May 2009 01:25


I just ate half a pint of Haagen-Dazs vanilla bean, love the crunch; I usually go for chocolate but I'm tracking my sleep for the doctor and am not supposed to have caffeine. I wish they'd do a decaf chocolate from Haagen-Dazs, sorry no umlats.

17. 17 May 2009 01:42


Hold down Alt key and type 0228 on the numbers key-pad.

18. 17 May 2009 02:03


No numbers key pad, lap top; thanks for the info though I used need to use them a lot. I had a Greek client and a Finnish one so letters to them were always fun. I'd forgotten how.

19. 17 May 2009 02:09


I was on a job this week and the home owner came in at midnight tonight my time, about three hours ago, and I was worried he'd want me gone right away (I'd stayed late working on projects on his totally fast and really new laptop), he says, "actually I have to go out to a party, friends b'ay and all and besides I'm still on island time." And I thought as how I must be on UK time.

20. 17 May 2009 05:33


I gotta say...I, too, am addicted to TD.

I don't draw a lot....I need to get in a "zone" to do it, and that happens rarely.

I don't comment a lot...I generally don't know what to say, I'm not so good with the words. But I do go through the showcase and gallery and vote on those that catch my eye.

I don't even really post a lot in the forums...but I do "lurk" I read just about everything, but again, I generally don't know what to say.

I use the Google Chrome browser, and when I open it, it has my top 9 visited sites there for easy browsing...the #1 visited site on my computer is ThinkDraw. Yeah, it even beat MySpace and my WoW Guild's website.