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im addicted. . . .but teachers give too much homework!i cant wait until summer when im going to be on here 24/7!


I'm a frequent flyer to this website too.Don't draw much, but love looking at all the great work you all do.It is relaxing and fun. Keep up the good work,all of you.Love reading the comments and a a few of my own.I'm not anartist, I know nothing about composition,contrast or any of that techno stuff, I just enjoy it.


I gotta say...I, too, am addicted to TD.

I don't draw a lot....I need to get in a "zone" to do it, and that happens rarely.

I don't comment a lot...I generally don't know what to say, I'm not so good with the words. But I do go through the showcase and gallery and vote on those that catch my eye.

I don't even really post a lot in the forums...but I do "lurk" I read just about everything, but again, I generally don't know what to say.

I use the Google Chrome browser, and when I open it, it has my top 9 visited sites there for easy browsing...the #1 visited site on my computer is ThinkDraw. Yeah, it even beat MySpace and my WoW Guild's website.


I was on a job this week and the home owner came in at midnight tonight my time, about three hours ago, and I was worried he'd want me gone right away (I'd stayed late working on projects on his totally fast and really new laptop), he says, "actually I have to go out to a party, friends b'ay and all and besides I'm still on island time." And I thought as how I must be on UK time.


No numbers key pad, lap top; thanks for the info though I used need to use them a lot. I had a Greek client and a Finnish one so letters to them were always fun. I'd forgotten how.