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Forums - Community - Arrogance

1. 10 May 2009 01:40


Arrogance by Ron

Definition of arrogance:
Overbearing pride evidenced by a superior manner toward inferiors

So we come to the question.

There are so many.

I haven’t actually counted.

But I think sixteen or so of you were involved.

Give or take a few.

As an aside. Let me say this.

I too am an asshat. I’m 43 years old. And It’s taken that long to understand this term; asshat.

But this isn’t about me or anyone else.

This is about you.

And this is about arrogance.


Sixteen out of 5,379 (as of this writing): .3 percent.

I am not sad.

I am wiser.

It’s not that .3 percent would think they could change things.

It’s that they never considered that they couldn’t.

And arrogance is to blame.

Because those 16 make up the elite of this site.

They assumed that their – what? Example. Would be followed? I don’t even comprehend the ideation.

But arrogance isn’t really the thing.

Foolishness is the thing.

It’s not ‘what’ we consider, in the final analysis; it’s what we ‘don’t’.

I will post an idea or an affirmation of an idea in this forum and all will follow. I’ll even translate it, and think – for a moment – that ‘that’ is relevant.

I will stroke my own ego; and these other 15 ‘important’ egos. And I will make it right.

But “we” are less than one percent of the population. And we think our ‘plan’ will prevail.

That!. That is arrogance - and continues to be so.

And I no longer care.

Because I have seen the shiny lights. And, in the end, they are just shiny.

BTW. I don't give one wit what your response to this is...

2. 10 May 2009 04:20


When I was in grade school, people picked on me quite a bit. And by "quite a bit", I mean constantly...And I asked my mom "Why do they make fun of me so much?" Her answer?

Some people put others down to make themselves feel better.

3. 10 May 2009 04:22


And does this thought make yuo feel better? It's a good question.

4. 10 May 2009 04:23


You know yuo=you. Right?

5. 10 May 2009 04:23


Were you just sitting there camping this thread, waiting for a response? You're quite the pot-stirrer

6. 10 May 2009 04:29


Hmmm. Interesting response.

Nothing like that. Not at all. I would go so far as to suggest that you don't understand me at all. Because... It's not like that.

I've been laying low.

This thread was thought about before it was posted.

Which is so unlike so many others.

Let me ask this (so un-politically correct question). Were your oh so horrible kindergarten experiences deserved? Could you say "yes" if they were? I remember kindergarten. I remember these paper bricks. And I remember Katherine Stone. I chased her. And I think I tackled her.

I wish I could apologize. But I cannot.

7. 10 May 2009 04:31


And - I must add. It is who it is who it is.

8. 10 May 2009 04:31


I'm not lying low any longer.

9. 10 May 2009 04:32


And why the smiley-face? What does it mean?

10. 10 May 2009 04:38


It allows you the jibe and the soft-side thing as well. You get to cut and joke in the same moment? Is that it?

11. 10 May 2009 04:38


Win-win and all that rot?

12. 10 May 2009 04:41


No, the smiley face is to signify that I'm not taking this seriously, and I'm not making any jibes at you. I gave up negativity a while ago, I'm just a positive person, and I throw in smiley faces to show that anything I say isn't meant too heavily. I'm not taking it seriously and neither should you

And to answer the question, no I did not "deserve" any of the picking-on that I received throughout 12 years of school.

13. 10 May 2009 04:44


Then why the post? You're not serious. You said so yourself. Is anyone?

14. 10 May 2009 04:45


I'm serious about this question. I am. Why post if you're not genuine. Serious. Respectable. Why?

15. 10 May 2009 04:46


And how can you say I shouldn't do this or I shouldn't do that. How do you know?

16. 10 May 2009 04:48


Why do you make this your business if you're not serious. Maybe you should look at what those kids were saying and think about it for awhile. And I mean it.

Let's go to the next level and leave ourselves behind.

That! That is what I've been trying to to do.

17. 10 May 2009 04:50


And, strangley, in the end, you haven't actually commented on the original theme. Have you?

18. 10 May 2009 04:55


Ron.. cut it, will you ? there are other avenues for what you're saying and other people to vent on..

19. 10 May 2009 04:58


..oh.. and I think you meant 'strangely'..

20. 10 May 2009 04:58



One word; "no".

And just out of curiosity - what avenues? Or did you just make that up? And which people?

Please be clear. I'm trying to be so.