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Forums - Community - The Garden Party of 2010~and the beat goes on...

1. 18 Sep 2012 18:09


Fall is not too cool for the lanai. I have put up a gazebo and some big umbrellas because it can be rainy. There's nothing like over-indulging when one is not over-heated!

2. 19 Sep 2012 05:09



3. 19 Sep 2012 16:10


Yay, I really enjoyed the 2010 Garden Party and would love to have another. I have a new drink that I will bring for everyone to try. It is orange cream vodka and soda. Yummy... and a bonfire on the beach would be great, now that most of the tourists are gone from the mid Atlantic.

4. 19 Sep 2012 16:13


Oops, had a drink and forgot we were going to Lizzi's lanai. See you there.

5. 20 Sep 2012 07:11


I think my place is too small. I was thinking of the great universal lanai, which, coming to think of it, probably is a beach. Make sure it's a BIG bonfire. Last night was quite cool. Oh, I can hear the sizzle of thr BBQ already!

6. 20 Sep 2012 18:35


Let me know your dates, please. I will be happy to contribute. Hope it's not OCT 10-14th, when the Canoe Crones will gather in Wisconsin. I hear we may even canoe a bit, despite varying degrees of arthritis! (Not down a river, however, just out a bit on a lake.) Beach sounds really good. I've been trying to think what I own that is both waterproof and warm for October canoeing!

7. 21 Sep 2012 07:41


It's on as soon as McDrawn gets that fire going!

8. 21 Sep 2012 14:50


I can build a fire now.

9. 21 Sep 2012 14:50


Just can't post it's picture.

10. 21 Sep 2012 15:24


That's a roaring beauty! Grab one of those garden chairs and a mug of Glüwein. I think I see the mighty hunters coming with steak and lobster.

11. 21 Sep 2012 15:28


Glüwein? Of course! I made a huge cauldron of it. I hope it's popular , or I may have to be poured in the cauldron to go home.^_*

12. 21 Sep 2012 15:45


Glüwein. I had to Google it, but sounds good to me. Would love to try it.

13. 21 Sep 2012 19:13


I just realized a truly great advantage we have now...NO BUGS!

14. 22 Sep 2012 13:48


Lizzi is making homesick for the German cities where I lived. In the winter you could buy hot wurst, or potato pancakes with apple sauce or gluhwein right on the street to keep up your strength for shopping. And I loved to put a bag of those hot sugared almonds in my coat pocket for hand warming! I see we've got a roaring fire going. Do they HAVE lobster in Florida? Or did I turn off at the wrong beach?