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Lizzi is making homesick for the German cities where I lived. In the winter you could buy hot wurst, or potato pancakes with apple sauce or gluhwein right on the street to keep up your strength for shopping. And I loved to put a bag of those hot sugared almonds in my coat pocket for hand warming! I see we've got a roaring fire going. Do they HAVE lobster in Florida? Or did I turn off at the wrong beach?


I just realized a truly great advantage we have now...NO BUGS!


Glüwein. I had to Google it, but sounds good to me. Would love to try it.


Glüwein? Of course! I made a huge cauldron of it. I hope it's popular , or I may have to be poured in the cauldron to go home.^_*


That's a roaring beauty! Grab one of those garden chairs and a mug of Glüwein. I think I see the mighty hunters coming with steak and lobster.