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You're right, until that day when he seemed so angry at everyone he was a lot of fun. I always enjoyed his pic's and most of his comments.


Hmmm.. His profile is gone as are his "works"...

I don't know that kid - but I am sad


Where the heck IS Brandon? He got a little biligerent and antsy for a while then simply disappeared...


Anotherronism, I was not hurt by the comment at all. I just wanted to call him out on it like you said.



DMarla: I have no idea which picture Brandon might have said "Get a Life" to. But the kid kas always been polite (ridiculously so) to me.

I have a young nephew and all I can say in Brandon's defense is that as I've watched my nephew grow I've noticed his development of "wit" over time. Right around nine he discovered sarcasm and it was his only wit for a while. Silliness and antics took a back-seat to this newfound "thing".

I know in my heart that a young kid who is otherwise artistic and polite did not mean anything "cruel" by that statement.

I think, again in someone's defense I don't know, that "Get a Life" was an attempt at humor regarding the amount of great work you pour out on this site.

Again - I do not know this kid. But we dramatically restrict my nephew's ability to comment on sites such as this and I assume Brandon's parents do the same. All that considered - I hereby sincerely apologize for that gaff on his behalf.

I believe strongly in the inherent Good of people.

You're absolutely corrent to call him out on it. He needs to know it can hurt. But I doubt the intent was cruelty.

Jump in any time with that sincere apology Brandon