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Oh boy, I’m gonna’ paraphrase.

He commended me on my work to include everyone, I thanked him for noticing my intent.

He then asked if I had any ties to the Arab culture, I told him no, but that I know many people from many language groups (French, Chinese, Russian, Spanish and more) through my congregation. That I, as a Christian, see the different groups as different cultures but that we are all of the human race.

It's so much prettier in Arabic.


It is indeed, solosater. Please let me know what grahame has written ... when you have worked it out.


Login, I'd never seen his work! It's fabulous!

Anyway, I'm googling everything, perhaps he is fluent I don't know.

We're just talking about culture and language.

Isn't it pretty though?


أنا فقط في محاولة لتشمل الجميع. أنا مسيحي دينا ويتحدث العربية المصلين يلبي لنا القاعة ، لدينا أيضا الفرنسية والصينية والروسية ، والأسبانية.

لدي ما يكفي من المشاكل مع الانجليزية ان تعلم حقيقة التواصل بلغة أخرى يبدو هائلا.

لقد علمت للتو قليلا من الفرنسية والأسبانية يكفي طلب وجبة إذا كان لا بد لي.

لا اعتقد ان من الثقافات المختلفة والأعراق المختلفة ، فنحن ننتمي إلى الجنس البشري.


I have no idea what this conversation is about, but I am so glad solosater brought you back in here, grahame.