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P.S. Please wait for it! It may not be what YOU think!


I hope ya'll have a beautiful day! I plan to post Mugdot challenge LXXXV "PLAY IT AGAIN SAM" This evening! Untill then; all my best to TD & all you great TD'ers!


Thank you Five! You said it best! There was so very much imagination and charm in responce to this outstanding and truely enjoyable challenge!


So many great entries. Thanks for the enthusiastic participation! It is very difficult to pick .... I am going with my very subjective delight in watching the brown chocolate pieces flash purple in the playback for AFSouth's early entry. I love after images. Congratulations AFSouth. The next challenge is yours to craft.

Ps. On my iPad so cannot cut and paste the link to AFSouth's picture. It is on the first page of this thread.


Eye Doodle My Life Away