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I want to add that I enjoyed so much the challenge, although I found not so much time to draw for it; and it made me craving to visit Ireland!!


good choice mdawrcn - and I agree: we can't pass the baton each other!


Thank you mdawrcn. Having seen some superb pictures in this challenge, I am more than a little surprised to receive the baton. I will humbly and gracefully accept.

Bear with me while I try to think of something new.


So sorry for the delay in passing the baton. I had some dental work done yesterday and was taking painkillers last night. Whee! I was afraid to get on here because there is no telling what I may have said. And as you know, once it is said here, it can’t be taken back.
When I say this is difficult for me, I really mean it. I don’t like having to choose one of these drawings. They are all so good. Here goes – Clorophilla, your portrait of Richard Harris as Dumbledore is fantastic as is your Irish coffee, but setting my own rule, I don’t think I should pass the baton back to the person who passed it to me. I hope no one disagrees.
Five, thank you for posting the older entries. They are wonderful. As for new ones, I love mecanc’s , gremmy’s, Lizzie’s, and cathyallheart’s entries. They are all so very good. And leslie_gene for being so new, I am so impressed with your two entries. Pumpkingirl’s Kiss Me, I’m Irish drawing is hysterical. She has an amazing talent for capturing depth and character. Mrozowski, your Dunluce Castle - Atrim, Ireland is spectacular. It really is a beautiful drawing and does look like an impressionist painting. Finally, I am choosing Login’s, The rugged beauty of Ireland. I just love the way she used the background to capture the depth and essence of a real Irish landscape. Congratulations Login! and thanks so much to everyone who entered. I enjoyed this challenge.


Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone! I am so impressed with all of your entries, both old and new. Thanks for all of them. This is the hard part for me, and I am not going to be able to make a decision on a winner until later tonight, so if anyone wants to add an entry please do so. And b/c it is St. Patrick's Day, if you want to do something and want me to wait until tomorrow, just let me know and I will.