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congratulations to all... and Gremmy ... glad you are so happy


It's so nice to see your happiness Gremmy

yes, the competition is every month harder... we really should need a "top 10", as there is such a number of good pics that is quite impossible to chose the five favs for every theme!


You did it yourself, gremmy. You created a drawing that attracted enough attention to get you in there.

Congratulations to all TDers who have recently gained Top5 places. The bar is getting higher and higher, every month.


How exciting to be picked as a New Artist for this month in the Top 5 categories. I am jumping with joy and jubilation. Thank you all for your kindness in selecting me. I am so thrilled. Thank you a million times. Now I have to put on my best hat and run and tell my mommy. She'll be so happy for her little girl...LOL, Probably happier than I made my grandchildren LOL. Kids are harder to please than mommies and daddies!


Congratulations to January 11's Top 5!! The pictures seem to get better and better. Using this form of drawing takes imagination and artistically it seems that all of us TDers have improved. So to EVERYONE, keep up the good work!!