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congrats Zum! very well deserved... and thank you Jennifk as you was able to say very well how Zum is, at a deep level!


thank you jennifk for your wonderful words & I hope I will find a good idea for the next challenge I read here in think drew someone said ( I don't knew if the good people like art or art make good people ) I think both.


I loved everyone's entry. It was awesome to see the different paths people took the concept. Thanks for your creativity!!!!

I have two favorites. The first is clorophilla's Michael Jackson. So much time and talent had to go into these portraits. They are great likenesses of the man I used to daydream of marrying (back in 1984). Chlorophilla, your talent is amazing and I appreciate you sharing it with us.

My other favorite is zum117's mermaids. There is so much I love about this entry. I love the pride in her city, the humble display of her early work, the vulnerability and generosity of spirit necessary to share these parts of herself. When I look at zum's pics, I feel connected on a very human level with her and everyone here at TD. I hope everyone was able to see her progress, remember their own, and look forward to what the future might bring.

And so.... for sweet emotion and hope in the future, I choose zum117 as the winner of the challenge!

Congratulations, zum! And thank you. ♥


I love Poinsettia and it have often live a month or two months in my house . Agricultural engineer told me that its a dwarf of a big tree ( tree dwarfed) therefore it not live long


Poinsettia is so hard to grow.
I had tried several times to keep it until the next Christmas and never succeeded.