Profile for doodler89:
Profile Picture for doodler89 Location: 62 parkwood green
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Website: -
About Me: I am a school child in Parkwood juniors. I am small for my age and I am 8 years old. I will be 9 this year and I am in class 4D. my teacher is called mr davis and my bff is called chloe bailey. (we have known each other scince preschool!) I live in a town house right opposite a park, my school and mummy's doctor. my partner at school is Nicole. my literacy teacher is miss cook and my numeracy teacher is mr davis (the same as my class teacher!) I collect bumpeez! I have the rare golden bumpe

Think Draw Stats:

Date Joined: 22 Sep 2011   Number of pictures: 15

doodler89 has 0 followers and is following 1 user


  Halloween 2011