Profile for Lauren_Cheerio:
Profile Picture for Lauren_Cheerio Location: The Stars
Age: 25
Gender: Female
About Me: I'm shy, creative. I like to write, and do graphic design (photoshop, Illustrator... and TD if that counts) ... and I'm not very good at talking about myself. My "website" is my old TD account, I forgot my password AND username as I hadn't been on in a while, and by the time I found it, this account already had a decent amount of pictures, plus this is the Username I always use now. So yeah :) but check out my old pics from forever ago if you want!

Think Draw Stats:

Date Joined: 15 Dec 2015   Number of pictures: 24

Lauren_Cheerio has 2 followers and is following 3 users

Has a picture in:

  Top 5 December 15


  Christmas Holidays