Profile for emi7211:
Profile Picture for emi7211 Location: Unknown
Age: 118
Gender: Female
Website: -
About Me: i was born from a tv and then looked after by a monster and i grew older and had 1045 friends and monsters and then i was married had 89216 babys with my husband then was killed by a car but i'm still alive i was born 6/08/1911 and i'm only 3 inches tall my age is 48 and i eat wasps, bees, haunets, toads, bugs, flys and humans!! so stay away from me or i will eat you unless you are a nice person i only eat bad people!!!

Think Draw Stats:

Date Joined: 26 Nov 2010   Number of pictures: 23

emi7211 has 0 followers and is following 0 users


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