Profile for kiki123:
Profile Picture for kiki123 Location: Austin,Tx
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Website: -
About Me: I`m in the 5th grade and alla I got to say about it it is whew i`m going to 6th next year I won`t be in elementary any more my mommy tryed to make me go to an all girl school but I didn`t want to because first of all it`s an all girl school second of all it goes from 6th to 12th I didn`t want to be there for6 years straight also it`s kinda far from my house so my mom decided to let me go to fulmore thank god it`s only 6th through 8th so yeah i`m going BYE see you later

Think Draw Stats:

Date Joined: 6 Feb 2010   Number of pictures: 1

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