Title: The Happy Tree...
created on 11 Apr 10

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Comments on this picture (9):
1. methinks wrote:
 Your tree certainly makes me feel happy, but why did you call it that?
2. golehto wrote:
 it is happy :)
3. danila wrote:
 Riht Goletho..he's helthy, there's sun, air is warm and clear.. it's then full of blossom..soon fruit will come....
4. spam wrote:
 A beautiful tree.
5. danila wrote:
 thanks Spam..
6. gocards wrote:
 very pretty tree
7. methinks wrote:
 Those are great reasons to be happy, and not just for trees! I just went for a nice, long walk and I feel pretty happy about that, too.
8. clorophilla wrote:
 mmmh... whath fruits? You are very lucky having a tree so happy near you!
 Very nice tree