Title: The Canadian Goortle
created on 01 Apr 10

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Comments on this picture (9):
1. spam wrote:
 He looks cute but has rather big feet. His colouring is wonderful can't wait to read more about in forum.
2. Heidi2323 wrote:
 The Canadian Goortle. This rare breed migrates once every 20 years. With the heavy hard shell and large goose feet, it moves extremely slow. Since it cannot fly, when this creature invades your pond, it is fairly simple to capture and move to another spac
3. Heidi2323 wrote:
 space where its prized green poopy is gathered for fertilizer.
4. Tracy123 wrote:
 bless.. really sweet..
5. katpedro wrote:
 Thanks for the info.
6. Normal wrote:
 They are rare indeed. Migrate only 50 miles, which takes 20 years, thus the misperception.
7. skynyrd wrote:
 Thought i'd never see this exceptional breed
8. coho wrote:
 LOLOL!!!!Good ONE!
9. five wrote:
 tee hee, good one

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