Title: under the tree DEBAJO DEL ARBOL
created on 29 Mar 10

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Comments on this picture (8):
1. spam wrote:
 Love the way you have done colourful tree and the little one sitting underneath. We should have sound with this then could learn how to pronounce correctly.
2. karbs wrote:
 He looks so relaxed! Looks like he's reading a good book.
3. Shanley wrote:
 awww...so sweet...he seems sad
4. shosho wrote:
 lovely !!
5. surekha wrote:
 so cute !
6. artdillon wrote:
 hi polenta,re leshava anura,if he was sober he would say,lets have another.sweet pic,nice choice of colour.
7. kyung wrote:
 Adorable little boy!
8. danila wrote:
 you have such a unique style Polenta...