Title: springtime for hitler
created on 27 Mar 10

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Comments on this picture (20):
1. marky wrote:
 HA,ha. to be or not to be!v-good likeness artdillon.
2. mrozowski wrote:
 Love it.
 good job
4. clorophilla wrote:
 great likeness!
5. katpedro wrote:
 Well done.
6. Kugusch wrote:
 oh boy, I can already SMELL the complaints coming... well done, the hairdo, the mustache, the set of the mouth...incredible!
7. artdillon wrote:
 np ch.
8. emzy wrote:
 kwl is it hitla??????
9. lynnspotter wrote:
 Looking appropriately like the sad little man he was! Great likeness!
10. polenta wrote:
 good likeness for a despicable man.
11. Shanley wrote:
 Not sure I can vote on a Hitler pic, although it's a very good one!
12. Normal wrote:
 You do find an interesting range of topics! Excellent likeness.
13. Login wrote:
 Good likeness ... but I don't understand the title.
14. artdillon wrote:
 gm login,it s from a movie called the producers,in it the audience were in an uprour to discover adolf was in fact an egosentric transvestite......still works.
15. PatGJ wrote:
 The show was awesome - good thinking for springtime showcase!
16. debray wrote:
 Great likeness....Though, I hope there is no springtime where he resides now!
17. Dorris wrote:
 very funny movie! good resemblence!
18. danila wrote:
19. cutegrl289 wrote:
 now i can't get the song out of my head...
20. eyeshadow04 wrote:
 cool pic, but i wouldn't make that pickture i know hitler was mean but u shouldn't make fun of him or u would be as bad as him!!!!!!!but it is clever!!!!