Title: complete please.............
created on 27 Mar 10

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Comments on this picture (17):
1. danila wrote:
2. bex123 wrote:
 how do you do this stuff it is awsome
3. skynyrd wrote:
 Having differences , it is our similarities that draw us together.Accomplishment,kindness,enc
ouragement,humor and art are some of the things i love.
4. Shanley wrote:
 i love..ly :)). nice pic , Polenta
5. Normal wrote:
 ...the awesome creativity I find on TD!
6. kata wrote:
 to love..
7. katpedro wrote:
 to draw.
8. polenta wrote:
 I love all your comments
9. shosho wrote:
 i love your drawing style!!
10. belladonnis wrote:
 I love your style polenta! And! I love my girls Ash12 and Zoey08!!!!!
11. mekeys wrote:
 I looked at your gallery and I love the fact that no two of your pictures look alike (content wise)..
12. elwin2000 wrote:
 wow! pretty cool....
13. Angela wrote:
14. indigo wrote:
 my family......And how YOUR art always makes me smile!
15. hjjr wrote:
 i love your cleverness, polenta
16. magdop2 wrote:
17. solange62 wrote:
 ... my family and my friends! And of course ... this pic! :D