Title: snowy day DIA NEVADO
created on 20 Mar 10

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Comments on this picture (13):
1. katpedro wrote:
2. kata wrote:
 I like that!
3. Shanley wrote:
4. mekeys wrote:
 It's a pretty picture,but I'm glad it does'nt snow here were i live..
5. baby wrote:
 Beautiful snow!
6. skynyrd wrote:
 I live in the cold country and it looks like that outside . beautiful pic. Polenta
7. polenta wrote:
 I have to confess that I've never seen snow in person. This is how I could figure it looks like LOL
8. sheftali52 wrote:
 This is delightful
9. Login wrote:
 Wow! Show with beads!
10. Login wrote:
 -show +snow
11. debray wrote:
 Looks like a dream....But,I'm glad that it's gone!!
12. shosho wrote:
 very soft&beautiful!!
13. indigo wrote:
 Nice work polenta!