Title: beauty queen REINA DE BELLEZA
created on 12 Mar 10

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Comments on this picture (18):
1. Shanley wrote:
2. lilalee wrote:
 Too funny!! You have a great sense of humor!!
3. indigo wrote:
 LOL! REALLY cute!!
4. marius wrote:
 LOL - this is VERY funny! Love the hair, the 'smile,' the cheeks, nose ... this is a hoot! : )
5. five wrote:
 what an expression. great
6. Ilikecolor wrote:
 Absolutely wonderful!
7. katpedro wrote:
8. mekeys wrote:
 FUNNY LOL,but not quite as pretty as my PRETTY WOMAN..
9. marky wrote:
 Great use of the beads,polenta.
10. danila wrote:
11. Tracy123 wrote:
 This is great..lol
12. Normal wrote:
 SHE definitely made my day!!
13. GingerNinja wrote:
 this picture makes me laugh! mice
14. Vals wrote:
 She's a real beauty!
15. kmkagle wrote:
 Just another pretty face!
16. pinkie wrote:
 well done.....funny!
17. gimzer wrote:
 Totally has my vote!
18. Doug wrote:
 So glad I found this one polenta! I pick it as the pik of the week!!!