Title: Think he saw us?
created on 17 Nov 08

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Comments on this picture (13):
1. likemee wrote:
 this is brilliant!!
2. cutegrl289 wrote:
 I love the detail! Great work!
3. arty wrote:
 Wow great detail. Must have taken for ever.
4. palmasbob wrote:
 GREAT EYE ! I'm sure he saw ya!!
5. faithfool wrote:
 Can't turn my back on *that* fellow!
6. ccam wrote:
 Thanks for the positive feedback, but I must confess I got the idea from another persons drawing.
7. matthew wrote:
 Eye must say that eye like it.
8. autumn wrote:
 great job!!and yup, he eyed you.
9. palmasbob wrote:
 ccam.. Don't confess, theres been alot of eyes on here. Maybe I'm to late, just kidding.
10. lizmeister wrote:
 This is scary! Good work, ccam!! You can always say, "inspired by <name>" to acknowledge someone. :-D
11. Dragon wrote:
 What do you call a blind dinosaur? Doyouthinkhesaurus.
12. hdwildmustang wrote:
 Yeah Dragon...the title for this one plus the eye makes me think of Jurassic Park...Good Eye for detail ccam
13. cj07 wrote:
 I also thought of Jurassic Park when seeing this! Scary!

User: ccam

Profile Picture for ccam

Date joined: 9 Jul 2008

Number of pictures: 49