Title: Is it crooked? ¿ESTA TORCIDO?
created on 25 Feb 10

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Comments on this picture (12):
1. Heidi2323 wrote:
 looks fine to me
 Looks great to me
3. kyung wrote:
 Bravo! This pic proves how creative you are!!
4. pollyesther wrote:
 This is really cool! agree with kyung!
5. katpedro wrote:
6. puzzler wrote:
 It's straight - it's the wallpaper that's hung wrong! lol!
7. mekeys wrote:
 I would say yes..
8. ferretkiss wrote:
 You are so clever. You should have your own tv show. Really.
9. franca wrote:
 Si e storto ma non fa niente, mi piace lo stesso!!!!
10. indigo wrote:
 Clever! ;)
11. marg wrote:
 brilliant - absolutely brilliant !
12. gimzer wrote:
 The picture is straight... i just leveled out my computer screen!