Title: the staircase LA ESCALERA
created on 15 Feb 10

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Comments on this picture (11):
1. spam wrote:
 This is a very scary well executed but staircase Polenta
2. spam wrote:
 Sorry the 'but' was meant to be between scary and well..
3. Heidi2323 wrote:
 I'll wait at the bottom...You go on up.
4. papergirl wrote:
 Your work is so brilliant!
5. papergirl wrote:
 I think of all the TD artists, you have the ability to evoke mood into a drawing more than any of them.
6. Normal wrote:
 Fascinating - certainly makes you wonder about the rest of the house!
7. Tracy123 wrote:
 amazing... spooky....
8. Shanley wrote:
9. NADIA wrote:
 Do not want to go up those stairs alone,Well done!
10. franca wrote:
 Hai sempre nuove e belle idee, non e facile. Brava...
11. debray wrote:
 Mysterious and interesting! Love it!